Top 5 Billionaires In The Technology World

It’s time to meet the top five billionaires in the technology world. They are the people who have superpowers to change the world and make it more simple and connected. Their contribution to the human society is priceless.
Let’s take a look at the top five names from the Forbes’ list of the rich people in tech. These billionaires have changed the way how we commute, socialize , shop, and entertain ourselves. Apart from changing the face of the technology world, they have invested their sincere efforts and hard-earned money for the betterment and upliftment of those who are unable to fulfil their daily needs.

Bill Gates:

Wealth: $79.6 billion
Nationality: American
Known For: Microsoft, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Born on October 28, 1955, the multi-billionaire retained the crown of the wealthiest person for 16 times in the Forbes list. It is hard to guess, for a man with so delicate appearance, designed his school seating arrangement systemin such a way that it allowed him to sit next to female students. His family encouraged him to get familiar with coding at an early age and emphasized on competition, there was a reward for each success, no matter how small and a penalty for every failure.
At Lakeside School, he wrote his first code that was a Tic-Tac-Toe using BASIC programming language on a GE computer. He met Paul Allen in 1968, who partnered him in his coding activities and the duo finally created Microsoft in Gates’ garage in 1975. His biggest rival was Steve Jobs, who co-founded Apple in 1977. Two were high achievers, college dropouts, and created billion-dollar companies. Though they were just opposite of each other but they had an indefinable relationship. Gates got emotional when he was asked about Jobs after his death.
He and I, in a sense, grew up together. We were within a year of the same age, and we were kind of naively optimistic and built big companies. And every fantasy we had about creating products and learning new things — we achieved all of it. And most of it as rivals. But we always retained a certain respect and communication, including even when he was sick.
— Gates said in an interview. Most of you might not know, Bill Gates wrote a letter to Steve Jobs when he was in his last days. Steve didn’t read that letter, maybe he already knew what Bill wanted to convey in that piece of paper.
In early Microsoft days, Gates used to remember employees’ licence plates so that he could keep an eye on their attendance. He left his CEO position in the year 2000 and served as the chairman of Microsoft until 2014 when he finally restructured his priority list and became more involved as Co-Chair at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to pursue his hobby as a philanthropist. The foundation works for the upliftment of people in poor and underdeveloped countries and provides financial aid to fight dangerous diseases.
Apart from the technology world, he has been a much talked about name on other platforms. He bagged a position in the list of “50 Most Eligible Bachelors” in 1985. He married Melinda French on January 1, 1994, has three kinds Jenifer, Phoebe, and Rory and lives with his family in the 66,000 sq. ft. home known as The Gates’ Mansion.

Larry Ellison:

Wealth: $50 billion
Nationality: American
Known For: Oracle
Born in New York City, he was an adopted child to a Jewish family and we can find him as one of the names in the list of dropout billionaires. Initially, Ellison worked for Ampex Corporation where he was assigned the task to design a database for CIA. In 1977, he started his own company called Software Development Laboratories with two partners and an initial investment of $2000. The company was later renamed to Oracle Systems Corporation after its famous database product Oracle.
Ellison is a licenced pilot and to satisfy his flying passion, he has shelled out some serious amount of cash. His aircraft collection also includes two military jets, SIAI-Marchetti S.211 and MIG-29. The military jet pilot is also a tennis fan and to content his tennis fever, he has bought the ownership of the Indian Wells Tennis Garden and the Indian Wells Masters tournament.
The ex-CEO of Oracle now serves as the Executive Chairman and CTO at an annual $1 paycheck. He has criticized a list of technology executives for violating Oracle’s patent rights. In an interview with Charlie Rose on CBS This Morning, he accused Google and specifically Larry Page, ‘of being evil’. Oracle sued Google for using their patented Java language – which they inherited as a part of Sun Microsystems acquisition – for the development of their Android OS. “I think what they did was absolutely evil which is completely different. And I know their slogan is “Don’t be evil” but, this time, they slipped out.” – He replied when asked about Page. This long gone fight was in the news last month, when Google went to seek court’s permission to press sanctions against an Oracle Lawyer.
Apart from these technology-centric legal battles, Ellison has also filed an off-track lawsuit. Once he filed a case against his neighbours because their acacia and three redwood trees were blocking his view. He actually hired a “tree lawyer” for that purpose.

Jeff Bezos:

Wealth: $47.8 billion
Nationality: American
Known For: Amazon
The technology entrepreneur Jeff Bezos – who wants to send Donald Trump into space – was one of the first investors to the search giant Google, who paid an amount of $250,000. He spent his childhood summer vacations at the ranch where his grandfather lived after taking premature retirement as a regional director of U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. He developed a technical interest at an early age and that reflected through his academic performance. Bezos attained the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from Princeton University.
In 1994, he quit his job and founded a book selling website Amazon, which is now the largest e-commerce company in the world. Back then, the Quill Corp. v. North Dakota US Supreme Court Ruling was announced, that a business must have a physical presence in a state for that state to require it to collect sales taxes. This triggered the idea in Jeff’s mind for which he prepared the business plan while driving from New York to Seattle after kicking his high salary job. It was until the year 2012, Amazon took the advantage of the ruling to edge over its competitors in the retail sector.
Bezos also founded a human spaceflight company Blue Origin which was for the purpose of enabling private human access to space. When he was 18, he wanted to make space hotels, amusement parks and colonies for around 2 to 3 million people who will be in the orbit. His shopping bag also has The Washington Post which he bought in 2013 after paying a cash amount of $250 million.

Mark Zuckerberg:

Wealth: $41.2 billion
Nationality: American
Known For: Facebook
The billionaire Facebook boss whose first business card titled “I’m CEO, bitch”, is also a college dropout and works for an annual paycheck of $1. He started Facebook in his Harvard dorm with his fellow roommates. Initially, the website was confined to the Harvard campus but it was later expanded to nearby colleges and got worldwide recognition in the following years replacing Google’s Orkut from the throne. Even Zuckerberg wouldn’t have thought, his work would go this far.
Zuckerberg has a multilingual proficiency with command over Latin, Hebrew, French, ancient Greek, and most recently Chinese. He was a science geek in his childhood and won several prizes during his school years.
Zuckerberg’s Facebook journey was portrayed in the movie The Social Network released in 2010 – “I just wished that nobody made a movie of me while I was still alive” – Zuckerberg said.
In August 2013, Zuckerberg announced the initiative which was for the purpose of providing free basic internet services to the technology deprived population of countries like India. However, his initiative – which provided its services through an app called Free Basics – was much criticized for being a challenge to the open internet (net neutrality), as it featured only selected services, though, they were free. Recently, Facebook’s Free Basics app has been banned in India.
Apart from being considered as a Good Guy who wants to connect the world, Zuckerberg has fought legal battles against his Harvard seniors, who claimed that he made them believe he was working for their HarvardConnection.comproject but he used their resources to create Facebook. The lawsuit finally got settled for a $20 million cash payment and 1.2 million common shares transfer.
As a philanthropist, Zuckerberg has supported The Giving Pledge initiative in which he has committed to donate 50% of his wealth to charity over the course of time. Zuckerberg married to Priscilla Chan in 2012, and the couple started the Chan-Zuckerberg initiative. In an open letter to their newborn daughter Max, they announced that they would be transferring 99% (valued at 45 billion at the time of announcement) of their Facebook shares to the Chan-Zuckerberg initiative.

Larry Page:

Worth: $33.4 billion
Nationality: American
Known For: Google, Alphabet
Page was a Ph.D. student (dropped out later on) at Stanford, where he met Sergey Brin who was assigned the task to take new students on a campus tour. The two had argumental clashes all along the tour but they became friends over the time, finally moving ahead to create Google. Well, the two of them still have opinion differences, but they consider it as a positive point and helpful for their growth. That’s quite obvious, even the two sides of a coin aren’t the same but they do contribute to the value of the coin.
His love for technology was visible from his childhood, in fact, he was the first kid in his elementary school to submit a word-processed assignment. Both his mother and father were computer science faculties at the University of Michigan and his home was filled with lots of gadgets and science magazines.
He graduated from the University of Michigan where he used Lego Bricks to make an inkjet printer. The 42-year-old internet entrepreneur currently works as the CEO of the newly incorporated Alphabet which is the parent company to Google and another big projects that were earlier a part of Google. He is a business opportunist, it was at the time when Google was busy coding the payment system for its advertisement service and Larry came to know that users in Uzbekistan were unable to make payments by credit card, as it was not accepted in the country. So, he decided to take goats as a form of payment.
In his initial days at Google, Page was harsh, who often hurt people with his arguments. When he was appointed as the CEO for the second time, he declared a “zero tolerance for fighting” policy as he realised a harmonious environment was a must for the betterment of the company and the employees. He has a rare medical problem known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. In 2013, he announced that his right vocal cord is paralysed and his left vocal cord got paralysed in 1999. This problem ultimately stopped him from attending Google annual meetings.
Page is the owner of a $45 million super luxurious yacht which he bought in 2011. He also bought the properties next to his house in Palo Alto and deconstructed them make a new 6000-sq ft. Ecohouse which has a very low carbon footprint.

Tum To Kehte Thay Insaf Hoga Yahan

Pakistani scientist develops device to diagnose cancer rapidly

PHOTO: University of Texas at Arlington

Pakistani electrical engineer at the University of Texas at Arlington has developed a new cancer cell detection method that will be able to  improve early diagnosis of cancer.
Samir Iqbal, an associate professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, detailed his team’s results in a recent Nature’s Scientific Reports paper called “Effects of Nanotexture on Electrical Profiling of Single Tumor Cell and Detection of Cancer from Blood in Microfluidic Channels.”
The tool works by tracking cellular behavior in real time using nanotextured walls that mimic layers of body tissue.
Iqbal has worked on the project with Young-tae Kim, a UTA associate professor in the Bioengineering Department;  Muhymin Islam,  a STEM doctoral candidate; and engineering students Mohammad Motasim Bellah, Adeel Sajid and Mohammad Raziul Hasan.
Iqbal said his team observed the many layers of tissue in the human body and decided to develop something that would mimic that layering.
“The answer was in creating a nanotextured wall that fools blood samples into thinking its actual tissue,” Iqbal said. “We used inherent properties of the cell walls to create a diagnostic tool. The cancer cells behave differently as they come into contact with the nanotextured walls. They dance,” he added.
Identifying those “dancing cells” will help doctors pinpoint cancer cells and start treatment earlier than allowed with current technology.
“Discovering the cancer earlier, before it metastasizes, is essential to surviving cancer,” Iqbal said. “Our device has the potential to do that.”
The published results stem from a 2014 $480,000 National Science Foundation funding that sponsored the design and creation of the device. Iqbal has received nearly $1.4 million in grants since his arrival at UTA in 2007.
Those grants included an NSF CAREER grant to create a nanoelectronic microfluidic biochip to detect biomarkers. He also directs the UTA Nano-Bio Lab and is an affiliated faculty for the UTA Bioengineering Department.
Iqbal also is an adjunct professor in the Department of Urology at UT Southwestern Medical Center. In addition to his numerous research accolades, Iqbal is a senior member of IEEE-USA, a member of Biomedical Engineering Society, American Physical Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Biophysical Society.
In 2013, Tau Beta Pi inducted him as an Eminent Engineer. Khosrow Behbehani, dean of the UTA College of Engineering, said Iqbal’s research is groundbreaking. “Dr. Iqbal and his colleagues are bringing engineering innovation to meet the challenge of early cancer detection,” Behbehani said.
“The research aligns with UTA’s Strategic Plan, particularly the focus on Health and the Human Condition. Dr. Iqbal’s device could greatly improve cancer survival rates, which is good news for humanity. There are very few people around the world whose lives have not been touched by this dreadful disease.”
Iqbal did his bachelors from NED University of Engineering and Technology in Karachi in 1996 after which he did his PhD from Purdue University in Indiana.

10 Tech Billionaires Who Won’t Leave Their Entire Money For Kids

This is a list of entrepreneurs who won’t let their children inherit their entire property. They would rather donate most of their hard earned money for noble causes for the sake of the well-being of the society and environment.
While most of us would be under the impression that children of the famous billionaires of the world would inherit a huge fortune to themselves, here’s the list of a famous people and couple people who have donated most of their money for the charitable causes.
These men and women have not only made it big by their sheer hard work and dedication but also contributed in making this world a better place.

1. Bill Gates:

Bill Gates is known for philanthropy. His past donations are a proof of how much is he in serving humanity than leaving behind billions for their children. Currently, Bill Gates is the master of around 85 billion dollars but he thinks that it is not a good idea to leave behind so much money for their children. From his past donations, it’s almost evident that Bill Gates is going to donate more money to his foundation called ‘Bill and Melinda Gates foundation’.
Gates said: “I definitely think leaving kids massive amounts of money is not a favor to them.”

2. Facebook Founder Mark  Zuckerberg:

Just like Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, Zuckerberg is also planning to open an initiative called Chan-Zuckerberg initiative. This initiative was announced after the birth of their daughter in December last year. Through this foundation, they want to serve humanity by promoting equality, accessibility to educational resources to unprivileged children, curing disease etc. Mark Zuckerberg‘s net worth is around 47 billion Dollars.

3. AOL co-founder Steve Case:

Case began case foundation in 1997 by Steve Case the founder of AOL. Case initiative is not just focused on donations rather it’s focused more on how to make philanthropy more effective using technology. Like Zuckerberg, he has also signed the giving pledge and he is more interested in  startups outside the Silicon valley through an investment firm called the revolution.

4. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff:

Through his recently launched campaign called SF Gives, Benioff was able to raise $10 million for San Francisco-based nonprofit programs in just 60 days. Apart from raising funds for philanthropy, he has also asked other corporations to follow his 1/1/1 model, which says that a company should donate 1% of its equity, 1% of its employees’ time, and 1% of its resources to philanthropic efforts.

5. Qualcomm co-founder Irwin Jacobs:

Irvin Jacobs is more into donating money for educational purposes. Jacobs has donated around $500 million to charitable causes that include the Cornell Tech Roosevelt Island campus, MIT fellowships, and the San Diego Symphony. Like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Case, he has also signed the giving pledge promising to give away at least half of the billions he made with Qualcomm.

6. EBay founder Pierre Omidyar:

Omidyar and his wife Pam signed the giving pledge in 2010. 12 years after eBay went public. They have already donated more than a billion dollars towards philanthropy since eBay became pubic.
“In 2001, I publicly stated that we intend to give away the vast majority of our wealth during our lifetime, our view is fairly simple. We have more money than our family will ever need. There’s no need. to hold onto it when it can be put to use today, to help solve some of the world’s most intractable problems.”
– The couple say in the Pledge letter.
They are most widely known for their humanity work against Human trafficking.

7. Intel co-founder Gordon Moore:

Gordon Moore famous for Moore foundation has already donated half of his wealth towards his foundation. Besides donations, he has also given away more than $1 billion to the charitable causes. His cause towards philanthropy is also as unique as of Omidyar. His foundation works more towards environmental conservation, health measures etc. He has given billions of Dollars in charity and He also signed Giving pledge along with his wife in 2012. After signing the pledge, they said:
“We are pleased to be a part of the Giving Pledge not only because we are able to commit these funds, but because we believe they can lead to real learning and measurable change.”

8 .Tesla CEO Elon Musk:

Elon Musk has already created history by venturing into the field of space technology and electric cars. Even after having five children, he’s already donated much of his $12.9 billion fortune to renewable energy, science and engineering education, and pediatric health. Elon Musk is a big donor towards technologies which are going to benefit humanity like renewable energy sources, science, and engineering etc. He receives only $1 a year for his work with Tesla.

9. Spanx CEO Sara Blakely:

Sara is the first woman to sign the Giving Pledge in 2013. Her Pledge letter read:
“I am committed to the belief that we would all be in a much better place if half the human race (women) were empowered to prosper, invent, be educated, start their own businesses, run for office – essentially be given the chance to soar!” 

10. Oracle founder Larry Ellison:

Oracle founder Ellison committed to giving away 95 percent of his wealth to charitable causes, especially to his medical foundation.
His letter to the Giving Pledge read:
Warren Buffett personally asked me to write this letter because he said I would be ‘setting an example’ and ‘influencing others’ to give. I hope he’s right.”

There’s No Law For Killer Robots: A Deadly Leap In The Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence sounds esoteric and interesting to many of us. The explanation of neutral networks, flow of conducting neurons and the inculcation of emotions inside the robots reveal the side we are heading to where we might seek emotional help from the robots. But is it just the end of the story or there is another side as well?
Surely there is another side of the story which was revealed at the World Economic Forum in Davos where experts gathered to discuss the future of the autonomous killer robots.
The race is ON. And, don’t think that just a few of us are involved in the race but, there are as many as 40 countries currently working on this tech, including the United States which is the leader in this field. Do not think that no efforts have not been made by some of us to ban this. Efforts have been made but on the other side, the race has already begun.
The audiences at Davos at the World Economic Forum were polled during the chat about their views on autonomous killer bots. People were more likely to be in favor of sending robots to die instead of their own sons or daughters but the question remains Is this going to be a war between the robots or the humans are involved as well?
A campaign to stop killer robots explains it very well:
Two-thirds of the states that spoke referred to the need for meaningful or effective or adequate human control. Countries continued to return to the notion of meaningful human control throughout the week, indicating its central relevance as a “touchstone” for addressing fully autonomous weapons.