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ہمیں اپنے گلے کے بچھو نظر نہیں آتے اور دوسروں کی مکھیاں اڑانے کی فکر لگی ہوئی ہے۔

تحریر اشفاق احمد
نیا نیا دین پڑھنا شروع کیا تھا۔ نمازیں وقت پر ادا ہونے لگیں، اذکار، نوافل، تلاوتِ قرآن۔ میوزک کی جگہ دینی لیکچرز، پردہ۔ ایک کے بعد ایک تبدیلی۔۔ زندگی میں سکون تو تھا ہی لیکن اب سکون کی انتہا ہونے لگی۔ تشکر سے دل بھر گیا۔ جہاں ایک طرف سب کچھ perfection کی طرف جا رہا تھا، وہاں ساتھ ہی ایک بہت بڑی خرابی نے ہلکے ہلکے دل میں سر اٹھانا شروع کیا۔ تکبر! جی۔ یہی شیطان کی چالیں ہیں۔ اول تو وہ دین کی طرف آنے نہیں دیتا۔ اگر اس مرحلے میں ناکام ہو جائیں تو ریا کاری کروا کے نیکی ضائع کرواتا ہے ، دل میں تکبر ڈال کر ضائع کرواتا ہے۔مجھے یہ تو نظر آتا تھا کہ فلاں نے تین ہفتے سے نمازِ جمعہ ادا نہیں کی تو اسکے دل پر مہر لگ گئی ہے، مجھے یہ بھول جاتا تھا کہ اللّٰہ تعالٰی نے ساری زندگی زنا کرنے والی اس عورت کو پیاسے کتے کو پانی پلانے پر بخش دیا۔ مجھے یہ تو دکھائی دیتا کہ فلاں لڑکی نے پردہ نہیں کیا، مجھے یہ بھول جاتا کہ رائی جتنا تکبر مجھے کہیں جہنم میں نہ گرا دے۔ مجھے یہ تذکرہ کرنا تو یاد رہتا کہ فلاں نے داڑھی رک لی اور نماز ادا نہیں کی، مجھے یہ بھول جاتا کہ کسی کی غیبت کر کے مردار بھائی کا گوشت کھانے کی مرتکب تو میں بھی ہو رہا ہوں۔
یہ سلسلہ کچھ عرصہ یونہی چلتا رہا۔ پھر ایک بار کسی نے بڑے پیارے انداز میں ایک قصہ سنایا۔ قصہ ایک فقیر کا تھا۔ وہ مسجد کے آگے مانگنے بیٹھا۔ نمازی باہر نکلے تو انہیں اپنی نمازوں پر بڑا زعم تھا۔ فقیر کو ڈانٹ کر بھگا دیا۔ وہاں سے اٹھ کر فقیر مندر گیا۔ پجاری باہر آئے تو اس کے ساتھ وہی سلوک یہاں بھی ہوا۔ تنگ آ کر وہ شراب خانے کے باہر بیٹھ گیا۔ جو شرابی باہر آتا اور اسے کچھ دے دیتا، ساتھ میں دعا کا کہتا کہ ہم تو بڑے گناہگار ہیں، کیا پتہ تجھے دیا ہوا ہی بخشش کا باعث بن جائے۔
مجھے سمجھ آ گئی تھی کہ گناہ کر کے شرمندہ ہونا نیکی کر کے تکبر کرنے سے بہتر ہے۔
یہ قصہ میرے لئے turning point ثابت ہوا۔ ہم سب کو اپنے آپ کا جائزہ لینے کی شدید ضرورت ہے۔ ضرور امر بالمعروف اور نہی عن المنکر کریں لیکن judgement کا کام رب کے لئے چھوڑ دیں۔ نیکی کا کام دل میں امت کا درد اور محبت لے کر کرنے سے ہو گا، اپنے آپکو باقیوں سے برتر سمجھ کر نہیں۔ کانٹے بچھا کر پھولوں کی توقع کیسے کی جا سکتی ہے؟
نفرتیں پھیلا کر محبتیں کسیے سمیٹی جا سکتی ہیں؟
دوسروں کی اصلاح کریں لیکن اپنے رویئے پر کڑی نگاہ رکھنا نہ بھولیں۔
بابا جی اشفاق احمد صحیح کہتے ہیں، ہمیں اپنے گلے کے بچھو نظر نہیں آتے اور دوسروں کی مکھیاں اڑانے کی فکر لگی ہوئی ہے۔

Try it, which animal do you see first?

The first animal you see would determine your personality

Our minds play tricks on us all the time and they see things the way we want them to see it. The image you see first, therefore, says a lot about who you are based on your choice.
Our personalities are quite complex and there are multiple traits which come into play to create the personality which we reflect. Our personalities have multiple sides and there are numerous dimensions of our personality which come together in a cumulative way to describe our overall attitude.

Image Source: Pixabay
Image Source: Pixabay

That being said, we do have some primary traits which form the backbone of our personalities. While we add different dimensions to our thoughts with our experience and knowledge, the central qualities which define us rarely change. And these traits are the ones which help us decide the kind of people we become and the choices we make.

Image Source: Pixabay
Image Source: Pixabay

Your mind, therefore, tricks you into seeing things the way you want to see them and your personality has a lot to do with your choice. The animal, for example, you see first in the picture below does, therefore, reveal a lot about your choices and the personality you have. Try it, which animal do you see first?

Which animal do you see first?
Which animal do you see first?

#1 A Butterfly

A Butterfly
A Butterfly

A butterfly is the most well-known symbol of beauty and change. It transforms from a cocoon to one of the most elegant of all nature's creation. If the butterfly was the first thing you saw, you most probably reflect the same traits. You are adaptable, flexible and you can change yourself based on your needs and can do whatever needs to be done. You may also find yourself in the ugly pictures of life (in your cocoon) but rest assured, you have the personality to break out and be the beautiful person you are meant to be.

#2 An Eagle

An Eagle
An Eagle

Wild, free and built for the skies, an eagle is one of the ultimate predators of nature. If you spotted the eagle first, it shows that you too are focused and completely driven towards what you want. You never waiver in your decisions and once you have got the target locked, the thing that you want most in life, you would swoop down to grab it and fly away with it, high into the skies, beyond anyone's reach.

#3 A Praying Mantis

A Praying Mantis
A Praying Mantis

A praying mantis is a master of the senses and patience. It can keep still for hours, waiting for its prey and acts without warning to hunt it. If a praying mantis was the first creature you saw, then you have really strong instincts. Your inner voice guides you and you are clearly in touch with your primal self. You go by your guts and more often than not, you get what you want. You are the master of your domain and just like the mantis, there's a fighting spirit driving you from within. 

#4 A Dog

A Dog
A Dog

Loyal, brave, protective and truly selfless, everyone knows the traits associated with a dog but there are truly very few who actually imbibe these traits. If the dog was the first thing you saw, you can rest assured that you are one of the very few people who can be all of the above at the same time. You can be loyal but fierce, selfless and loving, protective and playful at the same time. You are a blend of most rare and incredible traits in the world and no wonder, you are loved by everyone who has the opportunity to know you.

#5 A Wolf

A Wolf
A Wolf

A lone warrior who walks in a pack. The wolves are known to live in a pack but they are also lonely creatures, wandering the wild alone, fearless and fierce. If it was the wolf that you saw first, chances are that your inner self is as fierce and fearless as that of a wolf's. You may walk in a crowd, but your personality will always stand out. To be a wolf can be both an exhilarating experience as well as a lonely affair but you are built to handle it all. 

#6 A Crab

A Crab
A Crab

Hard on the outside, soft from within, you share this trait with the crab if it was the first creature you saw in the picture. Crabs are also known to be extremely loyal. It goes without saying, therefore, that if you look within yourself, you would find that you have always been loyal (whether you know it or not). You have always placed the needs of your loved ones ahead of your own and never in your wildest thoughts have you considered cheating/betraying those who trust you. 

#7 A Rooster

A Rooster
A Rooster

If a rooster was the first image you saw, the primary characteristic of your personality is perseverance. A rooster is not meek by any standards, it is quick, smart, persistent and despite the small body, roosters are known to be fierce creatures. You, like them, may look harmless by the looks of it but when it matters, there are few who can fight back, like you.

#8 A Stallion

A Stallion
A Stallion

If the stallion was the first thing you saw, you are indeed one of the ambitious kind. Wild, free and raw, you are driven to succeed and to be free no matter what. You never shy away from an honest day's work and you are not the one to stay away from a fight. You are in touch with your inner-self which is ready to stand out and be counted. Your personality is the same, exemplary, honest and driven.

#9 A Dove

A Dove
A Dove

A symbol of peace and eternal love, a dove is one of the most beautiful creations of nature. If a dove was the first creature you saw, you probably are a wise soul. You are calm, patient, nurturing and at peace with yourself. It is one of the most difficult things to attain in life (peace from within) and you are well placed to attain peace with least effort from your side. You'll always be a symbol of hope for someone.

The last words of Steve Jobs

I have come to the pinnacle of success in business.

In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success.
However, apart from work, I have little joy. Finally, my wealth is simply a fact to which I am accustomed.
At this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insignificant with my imminent death.
In the dark, when I look at green lights, of the equipment for artificial respiration and feel the buzz of their mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of my approaching death looming over me.
Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth.
It should be something more important:
For example, stories of love, art, dreams of my childhood.
No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me.
God has made us one way, we can feel the love in the heart of each of us, and not illusions built by fame or money, like I made in my life, I cannot take them with me.
I can only take with me the memories that were strengthened by love.
This is the true wealth that will follow you; will accompany you, he will give strength and light to go ahead.
Love can travel thousands of miles and so life has no limits. Move to where you want to go. Strive to reach the goals you want to achieve. Everything is in your heart and in your hands.
What is the world's most expensive bed? The hospital bed.
You, if you have money, you can hire someone to drive your car, but you cannot hire someone to take your illness that is killing you.
Material things lost can be found. But one thing you can never find when you lose: life.
Whatever stage of life where we are right now, at the end we will have to face the day when the curtain falls.
Please treasure your family love, love for your spouse, love for your friends...
Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbors.

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Paulo Coelho’s 5 Smartest Advices for Students

When Paolo Coelho wrote and released “The Alchemist,” his first publisher dropped the book because the sales were bad. Fortunately, he found another publisher who had more faith in it and the rest became history. “The Alchemist” encourages a person to reconsider how he views life and helped establish Coleho as an inspirational writer. Here are some of the smartest advice from the book that will prove helpful how you view life not only as a student but in general.
Action is the first step to success
Success will not come if you don’t take a step first. Taking action is also the only way to learn. You can study more, read more, listen more but if you don’t take any action, all those knowledge remains a knowledge. On the other hand, success comes when you turn that knowledge into action.
Compensate your weakness with your strength
All of us have their own weaknesses and strengths. However, weaknesses should not stop you from being successful and earning the respect of others. Instead, focus on your strength instead of your weakness.
In “The Alchemist,” there’s a quote there that says if you really want something, the universe conspires in helping you get that dream. There might be something you’ll encounter that will make you doubt your dream but yo have to keep your focus and be obsessed with your dream.
Rejection is normal
Paulo loved writing and believes in himself. He recounted a story where he passed some of his poetry in a reputable magazine but got humiliated in return. He took it personally at first but eventually got over the rejection. The experience encouraged him to make himself better.
Getting a corporate job does not necessarily mean success
Getting a job in the corporate world might pay you a lot of money but that does not necessarily mean success. Doing what you love doing is a gift that only a few enjoys but not impossible to achieve.

You don't need a leader, you need the knowledge that will teach you to be your own leader.

If you dwell on the past or future, You will miss the moment. Rumi

Become who you are.

"Don't be afraid of yourself, don't be shy, don't be a hypocrite. Take courage and take off your mask, throw away your cloak. Accept your beauty, embrace your ugliness, make peace with yourself and become who you really are".

Everyone wants the truth, But no one want to be honest.

Amad Ahmad

32 Life Lessons I Learned by Age 32

1) There has never been a better time in history to live an extraordinary, unlimited life.
2) Don’t listen to others when it comes to making big decisions. Your inner voice has the answers.
3) How good you look is a reflection of how good you feel inside. The woman who taught me this is the incredible Rupa Mehta, founder of Nalini Method, here in New York!
4) We’re all connected. As Mark Nepo says, “being human is looking so deeply into the other person that you recognize yourself.”
5) Life is better when you’re in it (not on the sidelines, watching).
6) Take your desires seriously. They’re all you’ve got. Deepak Chopra teaches, “Inherent in every desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment.”
7) You don’t have to work in a corporate job. It’s not safe anyway, despite what they tell you. There’s much more fun and money to be had if you can handle a little uncertainty (warning — most people would choose misery over uncertainty, but you don’t have to be one of them). Doing work that you truly love is the best gift you will ever give yourself.
8) Laugh often. People who laugh vs. get offended or get upset over small stuff have way healthier lives.
9) Ask for a raise when you feel it’s due. Always. It adds up to more than you believe.
10) Kindness counts above all else. It does not matter how good looking, educated or interesting someone is. It all means nothing without kindness.
11) Worry less. As happiness researcher Shawn Achor says, “Adversities, no matter what they are, simply don’t hit us as hard as we think they will. Our fear of consequences is always worse than the consequences themselves.”
12) Visualize! Picture your ideal life daily and consistently take small steps towards your vision. Each small step adds up to a life.
13) Always be de-cluttering! Closets, paperwork, unsupportive friends, apps, inboxes. Simplicity is heaven.
14) It’s never about where you start. I come from a small town, a broken home, an alcoholic father and no money. If you hate your situation, I guarantee you that you can change it. Your current circumstances are always temporary (both good and bad).
15) Qualifications mean less than you think. Knowledge is only potential power. Doing/creating/building is what counts (and it’s where you gain the real knowledge).
16) The best way to do it is to do it. Take risks. You’ll be dead soon. As my friend Sean Behr says, “don’t die wondering.”
17) Read like a maniac — biographies especially. All mistakes that can be made and lessons that can be learned have already been experienced by someone else. Reading is like a Cheater’s Guide to navigating your life.
18) The biggest regrets come from pleasing other people. A Buddhist monk said if you meditated for 20 years the final message you would arrive at is, “Be yourself.”
19) Live where you want to live. Despite what you might think — you are NOT stuck! If your dream is to live in London, Paris, San Francisco — go!
20) Love yourself. Especially when you don’t “deserve” it.
21) Forgive others no matter what they did to you. This is like inner-peace on a platter. BUT you don’t have to be friends with people who’ve hurt you.
22) Success isn’t passive. Elizabeth Gilbert nailed it when she said, “Participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.”
23) Talk to new people. All opportunities come from the people you meet. It’s humans who make things happen, nothing else.
24) Time cures heartbreak. Nothing else. As Regina Brett says, “Give time time.”
25) It’s OK if people don’t like you. Truly. I love what Paulo Coelho says, “Haters are confused admirers who cannot understand why everyone loves you.”
26) Say no and don’t feel guilty about it. Martha Beck put it best, “When it comes to saying yes or no to something or someone, choose the answer that feels like freedom.”
27) No one is ever ready. Just begin, baby!
28) Focus on your strengths, always. Crafting your strengths will get you much further than improving your weaker areas. Let your strengths shine and don’t apologize for them!
29) Everyone is scared.
30) “No-one knows what they’re doing either.“As Ricky Gervais says. We are all just doing our best as we go along. Let this make you feel free, liberated and tolerant of all others who are just doing their best, too.
31) Love is stronger than death. When we lose our loved ones all that’s lost is their physical form.
32) You are going to be OK.

10 World Powerful People Who did Not Go To College

Powerful men are made they are not always born in elite and some of them come from the most humble backgrounds and may not even have had a chance at a proper school and college education. This article explores 10 such powerful people who without college degree went on to become major globe straddling giants.

#1. Bill Gates:  Currently with a net worth of over 79.5 billion he is an infamous American businessman, philanthropist and investor. He co-founded Microsoft which went on to become the world’s biggest PC software company. Even though he got the golden opportunity of studying in the prestigious Harvard, he dropped out of college and started his own company.

#2. Steve Jobs:  The co-founder of Apple corporations who had a net worth of 11 billion was a college drop out. After completing his schooling from Homestead High School in the year 1972, he enrolled in Reed College.
Although he came from a humble background yet his parents were ready to finance their son’s college education. He however had a change of heart and left midway.
#3. Steve Wozniak: No t many know that Steve Wozniak was actually the acting force behind Apple Corporations. The co-founder of the company he was Steve Jobs’, “brainier counterpart”. Standing with a net worth of 100 million, even he did not complete his college education.
#4. Richard Branson:  The owner of the Virgin airlines, mobiles, records and brands with a net worth of 4.9 billion, Richard Branson was a dyslexic who hated school and could not even complete it.
#5. Michael Dell: The founder of Dell computers with a whooping net worth of 20 billion was enrolled in the University of Texas where he started forming the basis of what went on to become Dell. However he dropped out soon and went on to becoming one of the youngest CEO enlisted over the Fortune 500 list.
#6. Coco Chanel: Credited with being one of the most famous icons of the post World War 1 era, Coco Chanel continuous to inspire women till date. A famous French fashion designer her brand of couture, jewellery, fragrance and handbags continues to amaze generations.
#7. James Cameron: A Canadian film-maker who gave us movies like Titanic, Avatar, Terminator and stands at a net worth of around 700 million was a college drop-out.
#8. Ray Kroc: An infamous American philanthropist and businessman, Ray Kroc joined McDonald’s in the year 1954 and very soon built it up to be the most happening fast food centres in the world.
#9. Richard Schulze: Standing at a net worth of around 2.6 million, Richard Schulze is an American businessman who is also the founder of the Best Buy chain. Also an active philanthropist he donated 50 million to the St. Thomas University. He is currently leading a relaxed life in Bonita Springs, Florida.

10. Walt Disney: The co-founder of Walt Disney Company who went on to win 7 Emmy awards, 22 Academy Awards and is still known as a cultural icon for his remarkable contributions to the field of entertainment.

11 Famous Failure

Famous Failures

1) Michael Jordan
   (6 time NBA champion
   5 time NBA MVP and
   4 time NBA all star)

After Being cut from his high school basketball team, He went Home lock himself in hos room and cried.

2) Albert Einstein
   (theoretical Physicist and Nobel prize winner)

He wasn't able to speak until he was almost 4 years old and his teacher said he would "Never Amount To Much".

3) Oprah Winfrey
       (Host of multi-Award-Winning Talk Show and The most
           Influential woman in the world)

Was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she "Wasn't fit for television".

4) Walt Disney
    (Creator of Mickey Mouse, and Winner of 22 Academy Award)

Fired From a newspaper for "Lacking Imagination" and "Having no Orignal ideas".

5)  Lionel Messi
    (3 Time FIFA world Player of the year)

At Age 11 he was cut from his team after being giagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency, which made him smaller in stature the most kids his age.

 6) Steve Jobs
   ( Co-Founder of Apple inc and Co-Founder of Pixer Animation Studios)

At 30 year old he was left devastated and depressed after being unceremoniously removed from the company he started.

7) Eminem
   (13 Times Grammy Award winner,  Sold over 90 million albums worldwide)

A high school dropout, whose personal struggles with Drug and Poverty culminated in an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

8) Thomas Edison
    ( Inventor of the incandescent Light Bulb)

A teacher told him he was "Too Stupid to learn anything" and that he should go into a field where he "Might Succeed by virtue of his pleasant  Personality".

9)  The Beatles
   (The most commercially Successful and critically Acclaimed Band i History)

Rejected by Decca recording studios, Who said " We don't like their Sound... They have no future in show business".

10) Dr. Seuss
    (Best Selling Children Author in History)

His First book was rejected by 27 Publishers.

11)  Abraham Lincoln
    (16th President of the united states)

His Fiance Died, Failed in Business, Had a Nervous breakdown and was Defeated in 8 Election.

If you've Never Failed You've Never tried Anything New.

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Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look like.

Do not fall in love with the face and body. Fall in love with the Spirit, Heart and Character.

9 Quotes to Inspire and Motivate You During Tough Patches.

The Problem With Nice People

The Problem With Nice People IS That They Will Not Tell You That They Are Hurt
But They Will Wait For You To Realize Your Mistake.

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9 Incredibly Useful Mental Life Hacks

The concept of a life hack has been around for centuries... here are 9 incredibly useful mental life hacks!
1. When a group of people breaks into laughter, people will instinctively look at the person or people they want to feel closest to. If you want to know if someone in the group finds you interesting or perhaps attractive, look to see if they laugh in your direction. It could be the hint you're looking for.
2. Check out the direction a person's feet are when they're talking to you. If their feet are pointed toward you, they're listening intently to what you have to say. If they're pointed in another direction, they're likely wanting to walk away from you.
3. When you're on a first date, try taking them somewhere exciting like a theme park. They'll associate memories of you with feeling thrilled.
4. When you meet someone, take note of their eye color when you're first speaking with them. People will like you more because you're intently looking them in their eyes instead of elsewhere. Even slightly increased eye contact betters your chances.
5. If you work in customer service, like as a clerk, put a large mirror behind you. If customers are able to see themselves in the reflection in the mirror, they are more likely to treat you with respect.
6. Be confident. Most people can't tell the difference between someone who's a genius and someone who's simply confident. Look like you know what you're doing and people will rally around you.
7. If you find yourself in a group meeting and you know for a fact you're going to get chewed, out, sit next to the person who plans to do the chewing. By doing so, you in a way separate them from the pack and make them feel isolated. It might mitigate some of their aggression.
8. If you make yourself extremely happy when you see someone, they'll be much more likely to be extremely happy the next time they see you. Dogs do this to us all the time.
9. Before a job interview, imagine yourself as being old pals with your interviewers. That puts you in a better, more comfortable position. You're more likely to take charge and your comfort will be noticed.

My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be.

Quote Of the day

39 Awesome Tips For Happy and Healthy Life