6 Single Letter Programming Languages You Should Know About

Short Description: C and R are one of the most popular single letter programming languages. There are other lesser-known one-letter programming languages that solve specific problems. While F was developed as modern Fortran, K can be used to write elaborate programs in just a few characters. There exist other one letter programming languages like D, J, and M.
part from C, other single letter programming languages are aimed at performing specialized tasks. Many of them have a cult following in the developer community, thanks to their ability to solve tricky problems.

Just like C, another popular single letter programming language is R. It’s used to study numbers and create graphs with intricate data. Earlier, R was called S. In this article, I’ll be telling you about some more single letter programming languages. Let’s take a look:

6 Lesser Known Single Letter Programming Languages

D Programming Language

D is an object-oriented multi-paradigm system programming language with C-like syntax and static typing. It was developed by re-engineering C++ programming language. Apart from inheriting the C++ features, this single letter programming language also has some characteristics of other languages like C#, Java, Ruby, and Python. dlang.org

F Programming language

F was developed as modern Fortran. It’s a minimal subset of the language with about one hundred intrinsic procedures. It’s a compiled, modular, numeric programming language that’s designed to work with legacy Fortran 77 code. F was first included in g95 compiler.Fortran.com/F

J Programming language

J is a single letter programming language with a normal character set that offers the power of APL. It’s a high-level, high-performance, general purpose programming language that runs on 32/64-bit Windows/Linux/Mac, iOS, and Android. Its applications include mathematical, statistical, and logical analysis of data. Since 2011, J is free and open source under GPLv3 license. Jsoftware.com

K Programming Language

K is a proprietary language from array processing. Originally developed in 1993, this single letter language is a variant of APL and infuses the elements of Scheme. After its commercialization by Kx Systems, its open source fork Kona came into the picture. K lets one write detailed algorithms to deal with arrays with the help of just a few keystrokes. Kx.com

M Programming Language

M, or alternatively MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System), is a general purpose programming language. Its key feature is an inbuilt database that enables high-level access to storage, using simple symbolic program variables and subscripted arrays to access the main memory. M uses the same basic syntax to access volatile memory and non-volatile storage, providing a high-performance data access. Today, it’s used in many large hospitals for data processing. MUMPS

P Programming Language

P is Microsoft’s programming language for asynchronous event-driven programming and Internet of Things applications. It’s a domain specific language that compiles to and interoperates with C. Microsoft has used this single letter programming language to implement and validate the USB device driver stack that comes with Windows Phone and Windows 8. Earlier this year, P was open sourced by Redmond. P on GitHu

Many People Would Be Scared If They Saw In The Mirror Not Their FACES, But Their CHARACTER.

Present Education System

Our present educational system is not playing a significant role in shaping the future of our youth. It makes students corrupt and teaches them only indulgence and self-centeredness. Some of the major problems with this system are as under.
Single Aim – To Make Money 
The aim of this system has become to make money for the owners of the institutes and in turn this education also makes youth who are hungry for indulgence, power and money. They just think of partying, sex, fashion, food, gadgets and vehicles. They blindly follow western styles and culture. For these youth, earning money is the only goal of the life and their only motivational force is money. They want to go abroad and earn money and stay there forever. These youths perceive the education as a means of making money.
Literate not Educated
This education only gives degrees/diplomas without any basic knowledge. It tries to make people literate, not educate. It prepares them for a job in an MNC and totally ignores their overall development.
Making fools seem “bright”
The present examination system & evaluation system ignores skills, and aptitudes among students. This examination system is not a true test of child’s capacity. This does injustice to those who are really intelligent and genius. By the virtue of this system, those who are routine, regular, and average in their thinking, approach and intellect appear bright and intelligent; and those who are unconventional, out of box, above ordinary in their thinking, approach and intellect appear as losers and fools. At an advance stage in life, these seemingly “bright” people take higher positions in society and organizations and thus the whole society is downgraded by the mess they create.
Followers instead of leaders
This system produces followers instead of leaders. These “bright” people have no vision and have short term goals. When they grow in life they are not able to give shape to their life, to the society, to the country and to the new generation.
Ineffective Evaluation System
No doubt that present educational system is making engineers, doctors, CAs and other officers but there is lack of values. The present system tests only what a student has crammed or is able to copy. It does not test what the student has learned and what ideas they have of life and work. It does not test the character, the aptitude and the attitude of the student. This is the reason why our bureaucrats and police officers become corrupt (even if their intention at the beginning may not have been such).
Lack of Moral Values
It does not emphasize on patriotism and humanity. Youth have very little or no value for our heritage and culture. It only prepares the youth as the job seekers or job mongers with low value system. There are very little or no human values. People don’t respect human life now. Honesty is laughed at by the people; sincerity and hard work are considered foolish, elders are not respected, women are considered as sex objects only. There is no sense of duty and sacrifice.
Lack of Total Personality Development
There is lack of total personality development. The system churns out indifferently trained, poorly motivated students, who have few job prospects. For these students, success means having money whatever the means. This education is not able to develop leadership qualities in students.
No Emphasis on Creativity and Innovation
There is less emphasis on research activities and knowledge orientation. The system doesn’t inspire children to go beyond what is set to be the limits. What the students learn is routine and regular. Students are forced to do lot of routine work just to get marks. Students are not encouraged to take activities of their interest.
No Focus on Learning
There is too much stress on getting marks and this encourages children to mug up & pass exams rather than learning concepts. Institutions are giving more stress on completing syllabus and help the students to pass the exam instead of building their character and enhancing their personalities.
No Intellectual Development
This education system is detached from the real world. It doesn’t make children ready to face the world outside. The system aims to create a complacent labor force which is driven by the large MNCs and the MNC friendly governments. The system only teaches to memorize things. It makes children workers who are best at repetition. The aim is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train them to a standard level or the common level. There is no originality whatsoever in any way. There is too much focus on reaching to the top but there is absolutely no guidance about the means to reach there. There are no intellectual discussions happening. It only trains them to memorize things. Those who come triumphant in this system has only three qualities - perseverance, ability to memorize ideas, concepts and rules and ability to write what they have memorized.  [Content Source]

For more visit: www.amadahmad.blogspot.com 

Current Education system of Pakistan

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” –George Washington Carver

 W e all know the importance of education. It is the most important aspect of any nation’s survival in the modern day world. Education determines the future of a nation. So that’s why we have to adopt our education policies very carefully because our future depends on these policies.

Islam also emphasizes on education and its importance but I think in our country we truly are at loss. Our politicians and bureaucrats have not been able to figure out our education system. Neither our schools nor our madrasas (Islamic education centers) are educating our youth in this regard. In the institutions that are supposed to polish them into scholars for east and west, they are being provided with degrees that only help them develop into “money machines”. We are only burdening our children with heavy books and enrolling them into reputed, big schools for what that put a financial stamp on the child, that he could afford an education here, just for the upheaval of social status?

Read Also: Present Education System
On the other hand, in our madrasas we are preparing people who can never adjust in the modern society. The education provided in madrasas is not compatible to the modern day requirements. It is an unfair race, a madrasa student’s starting line and finishing line is more apart than the other students. It is crystal clear that Islamic education is necessary for Muslims but it is also a fact that without modern education no one can compete in this world. There are many examples of Muslim scholars who not only studied the Holy Quran but also mastered other subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and many more, with the help of Holy Quran.
I think with the current education system we are narrowing the way for our children instead of widening it. There is no doubt that our children are very talented, both in schools and in madrasas, we just need to give them proper guidance to groom and mentor them, give them the space to become useful. The education system we are running with is not working anymore. We have to find a way to bridge this gap between school and madrasas. Robert Maynard Hutchins described it: “The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.”
Sadly, in Pakistan our defense budget has always been exponentially more than our educational budget. Edward Everett said, “Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.” The wars have been won by knowledge and technology through pen and paper, wars are never won by weapons. Since 1947 not a single government has been able to change this scenario. For the price of one grenade, almost 20 to 30 children can go to school for a whole year. With all the brains in the world, why haven’t we opted for peace and pen?
It’s hopeless when it comes to the policy makers of P  akistan. Every year policy for education is reviewed by the government but the results are same: The illiteracy rate keeps rising in Pakistan, according to a recent survey. “Nai Roshni School” or “Parha Likha Pakistan” can never make a difference. The future of our country depends on how we choose to educate our children. It’s high time we focus all our energies on that; otherwise, it’s going to be too late for Pakistan. [Content Source]

You don't need a leader, you need the knowledge that will teach you to be your own leader.