10 Best Password Cracking Tools Of 2016

Password cracking is an integral part of digital forensics and pentesting. Keeping that in mind, we have prepared a list of the top 10 best password cracking tools that are widely used by ethical hackers and cyber-security experts. These tools–including the likes of Aircrack, John the Ripper, and THC Hydra–use different algorithms and protocols to crack the passwords on a Windows, Linux, and OS X system.

hat is password cracking?

In the field of cyber-security and cryptography, password cracking plays a very major role. It’s basically the process of recovering passwords to breach (or restore) the security of a computer system. You can easily relate it to repeatedly guessing your phone’s unlock pattern or pin.
So, why do we need to learn about password cracking and the tools used to do so? The purpose of password cracking revolves around recovering the forgotten passwords of our online accounts, computers, and smartphones. Password cracking is also used by system administrators as a preventive measure. They keep checking them on the regular basis to look for the weak links.
Talking about the process of password cracking, most methods involve the use of a computer that generates a vast set of password candidates. A desktop computer tests more than hundreds of millions of passwords per second. A password cracking tool performs this task easily and checks these candidates to reveal the actual password.
The time needed to crack a password is proportional to the length and strength of that password. That’s why users are advised to use complex passwords that are harder to guess. The password cracking speed of a tool also depends heavily on the cryptographic function that’s used to generate password hashes. Thus, a potent hashing function like bcrypt is preferred over the likes of SHA and MD5.

Types of password cracking attacks:

Here’s I’ll be listing various types of password cracking attacks that are generally used by attackers:
  • Dictionary attack: This attack uses a file that contains a list of words that are found in the dictionary. This mode matches different combinations of those words to crack your device open.
  • Brute force attack: Apart from the dictionary words, brute force attack makes use of non-dictionary words too.
  • Rainbow table attack: This attack comes along with pre-computed hashes. Thus, this method is faster.
There are lots of other password cracking techniques like phishing, spidering, social engineering, shoulder surfing etc. Soon, I’ll be discussing them in detail in another article. So, let’s get started with our list of the best password cracking tools of 2016.

Best Password Cracking Tools Of 2016:

Disclaimer: We are publishing this list just for educational purposes. We don’t promote malicious and unethical practices.

1) John the Ripper

John the Ripper is one of the most popular password cracking tools available around. This free password cracking tool is chiefly written in C programming language. Encompassing a customizable password cracker, John the Ripper comes as a combination of many password crackers into one suite.
Its ability to auto-detect password hashtypes, makes it a preferred choice of ethical hackers to ensure security. A pro version of this tool is also available, offering better features and more effectiveness. Just like the popular hacking tool Metasploit, John also belongs to the Raspid7 family of security tools.
Supported platforms: John the Ripper is available for all major platforms, including Linux, Windows, DOS, and OS X.
Download link: John the Ripper

2) Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng (ng stands for new generation) is one of the best password cracking tools that hackers use to bump their annoying neighbors off their own Wi-Fi. Note that just like John the Ripper, Aircrack-ng is not a single tool. Instead, it’s a complete software suite that’s used to play with Wi-Fi networks.
In this free suite, you get a tool named aircrack that hackers use to crack WPA or WEP passwords. After analyzing the encrypted password packets, aircrack uses its cracking algorithm to break the passwords.
Using the well know attack techniques like FMS, this password cracking tool makes your job easier. Recently, a new attack named “PTW” has been included in the suite, which reduces the number of initialization vectors to break a WEP key.
Supported platforms: Aircrack is available for Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, OX X, Windows, Android
Download link: Aircrack-ng

3) RainbowCrack

As the name suggests, RainbowCrack makes use of rainbow tables to crack password hashes. Using a large-scale time-memory trade-off, RainbowCrack performs an advance cracking time computation. According to your convenience, you are free to use the command line or graphical interface of RainbowCrack.
Once the pre-computation stage is completed, this top password cracking tool is about hundreds of times faster than a brute force attack. You also don’t need to prepare the rainbow tables yourselves. The developers have made different rainbow tables for LM, NTLM, MD5 and SHA1 available for free.
RainbowCrack’s GPU acceleration is another key feature that allows this free password cracking tool to offload the runtime computation to GPUs, reducing the cracking time even further.
Supported platforms: RainbowCrack is available for Windows and Linux
Download link: RainbowCrack

4) Cain and Abel

This renowned password cracking tool is a dependable software to recover various types of passwords using multiple techniques. Cain and Able lets you easily perform Dictionary, Brute-Force, and Cryptoanalysis attacks to crack encrypted passwords.
This multi-purpose hacking tool also comes with the ability to sniff the networks, record VoIP conversations, recover network keys, decode scrambled passwords, and analyze routing protocols.
Cain and Abel has two components. While Cain is the front-end application to recover your passwords and perform sniffing, Able is a Windows NT service that performs the role of traffic scrambling.
Supported Platforms: Cain and Abel is available for Windows
Download link: Cain and Abel

5) THC Hydra

Compared to other top password cracking tools, THC Hydra performs hacking attacks using numerous network protocols, including the likes of Asterisk, FTP, HTTP-Proxy, MYSQL, XMPP, Telnet, and more. Using these protocols, THC Hydra performs super fast brute-force and dictionary attacks against a login page.
This free-to-use tool helps the pentesters and security researchers to know how easy it would be to gain remote access to a system. This tool also lets you add new modules to increase the functionality. Via its GitHub page, you can also participate in the development process of THC Hydra.
Supported Platforms: THC Hydra is available for Windows, Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, OS X
Download link: THC Hydra

6) HashCat

HashCat claims to be the fastest and most advanced password cracking software available. Released as a free and open source software, HashCat supports algorithm like MD4, MD5, Microsoft LM hashes, SHA-family, MySQL, Cisco PIX, and Unix Crypt formats.
This password cracking tool comes in both CPU-based and GPU-based versions, HashCat and oclHashcat/cudaHashcat, respectively. Using a well-documented GPU acceleration, many algorithms can be easily cracked using this tool.
Different types of attacks performed by this tool include brute force attack, combinator attack, fingerprint attack, dictionary attack, hybrid attack, mask attack, table-lookup attack, PRINCE attack, permutation attack etc.
Supported Platforms: HashCat is available for Windows, Linux, OS X
Download link: HashCat

7) Crowbar

Crowbar is a brute forcing tool that’s widely popular in the pen testing scene. It gives you the control to decide what’s submitted to a web server. While most brute forcing tools use username and password to deploy SSH brute force, Crowbar makes use of SSH keys obtained during penetration tests.
This free tool is created to support the protocols that are rarely supported by other popular password cracking tools. Currently, Crowbar supports VNC key authentication, OpenVPN, SSP private key authentication, and Remote Desktop Protocol with NLA support.
Supported Platforms: Crowbar is available for Windows, Linux, OS X
Download link: Crowbar

8) OphCrack

Just like RainbowCrack, OphCrack is another popular and free password cracking tool that uses rainbow tables to crack the password hashes. It’s widely used to crack Windows log-in passwords. Thanks to its ability to import and use hashes from multiple formats and sources, OphCrack is known to crack the passwords of a Windows computer in few minutes.
Available conveniently as a Live CD, a pentester can use it and leave no trace behind. For cracking Windows XP, Vista, and 7, one can also grab freely available rainbow tables. For professional use, larger tables are available for purchase.
Supported Platforms: OphCrack is available for Windows
Download link: OphCrack

9) L0phtCrack

Just like OphCrack, L0phtCrack is known for easily cracking Windows passwords. Using a wide set of attacks like dictionary, hybrid, brute force, and rainbow tables, this password cracking tool can also be deemed useful in sniffing hashes.
It’s a great way to target Windows desktops, networked servers, Active Directory, and primary domain controllers. Its schedule routine audit functionality lets you perform scans at a convenient time.
Supported Platforms: L0phtCrack is available for Windows
Download link: L0phtCrack

10) DaveGrohl

For Mac OS X, DaveGrohl is an open source password cracking tool that’s preferred by the Apple security experts. With a completely modern object-oriented codebase in Version 3.0, DaveGrohl has been made more useful for developers and users.
With the help of dictionary and incremental attacks, this tool lets you crack a password in minutes. Its distributed mode allows you to perform attacks using different computers and crack the same password hash for faster results.
Supported Platforms: DaveGrohl is available for OS X
Download link: DaveGrohl
Thank you for Reading

Everyone wants the truth, But no one want to be honest.

Amad Ahmad

32 Life Lessons I Learned by Age 32

1) There has never been a better time in history to live an extraordinary, unlimited life.
2) Don’t listen to others when it comes to making big decisions. Your inner voice has the answers.
3) How good you look is a reflection of how good you feel inside. The woman who taught me this is the incredible Rupa Mehta, founder of Nalini Method, here in New York!
4) We’re all connected. As Mark Nepo says, “being human is looking so deeply into the other person that you recognize yourself.”
5) Life is better when you’re in it (not on the sidelines, watching).
6) Take your desires seriously. They’re all you’ve got. Deepak Chopra teaches, “Inherent in every desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment.”
7) You don’t have to work in a corporate job. It’s not safe anyway, despite what they tell you. There’s much more fun and money to be had if you can handle a little uncertainty (warning — most people would choose misery over uncertainty, but you don’t have to be one of them). Doing work that you truly love is the best gift you will ever give yourself.
8) Laugh often. People who laugh vs. get offended or get upset over small stuff have way healthier lives.
9) Ask for a raise when you feel it’s due. Always. It adds up to more than you believe.
10) Kindness counts above all else. It does not matter how good looking, educated or interesting someone is. It all means nothing without kindness.
11) Worry less. As happiness researcher Shawn Achor says, “Adversities, no matter what they are, simply don’t hit us as hard as we think they will. Our fear of consequences is always worse than the consequences themselves.”
12) Visualize! Picture your ideal life daily and consistently take small steps towards your vision. Each small step adds up to a life.
13) Always be de-cluttering! Closets, paperwork, unsupportive friends, apps, inboxes. Simplicity is heaven.
14) It’s never about where you start. I come from a small town, a broken home, an alcoholic father and no money. If you hate your situation, I guarantee you that you can change it. Your current circumstances are always temporary (both good and bad).
15) Qualifications mean less than you think. Knowledge is only potential power. Doing/creating/building is what counts (and it’s where you gain the real knowledge).
16) The best way to do it is to do it. Take risks. You’ll be dead soon. As my friend Sean Behr says, “don’t die wondering.”
17) Read like a maniac — biographies especially. All mistakes that can be made and lessons that can be learned have already been experienced by someone else. Reading is like a Cheater’s Guide to navigating your life.
18) The biggest regrets come from pleasing other people. A Buddhist monk said if you meditated for 20 years the final message you would arrive at is, “Be yourself.”
19) Live where you want to live. Despite what you might think — you are NOT stuck! If your dream is to live in London, Paris, San Francisco — go!
20) Love yourself. Especially when you don’t “deserve” it.
21) Forgive others no matter what they did to you. This is like inner-peace on a platter. BUT you don’t have to be friends with people who’ve hurt you.
22) Success isn’t passive. Elizabeth Gilbert nailed it when she said, “Participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.”
23) Talk to new people. All opportunities come from the people you meet. It’s humans who make things happen, nothing else.
24) Time cures heartbreak. Nothing else. As Regina Brett says, “Give time time.”
25) It’s OK if people don’t like you. Truly. I love what Paulo Coelho says, “Haters are confused admirers who cannot understand why everyone loves you.”
26) Say no and don’t feel guilty about it. Martha Beck put it best, “When it comes to saying yes or no to something or someone, choose the answer that feels like freedom.”
27) No one is ever ready. Just begin, baby!
28) Focus on your strengths, always. Crafting your strengths will get you much further than improving your weaker areas. Let your strengths shine and don’t apologize for them!
29) Everyone is scared.
30) “No-one knows what they’re doing either.“As Ricky Gervais says. We are all just doing our best as we go along. Let this make you feel free, liberated and tolerant of all others who are just doing their best, too.
31) Love is stronger than death. When we lose our loved ones all that’s lost is their physical form.
32) You are going to be OK.

PixelSynth — JavaScript-based Chrome Experiment Converts Your Images Into Music

Ever imagined how your picture will “sound” if converted into music? Now, using a new Chrome Experiment called PixelSynth, you can do it right now in your web browser. This Experiment uses JavaScript, WebAudio, and Canvas to convert your image into music.
Google’s Chrome web browser has changed the way we browse the web. While new competitors like Edge and Vivaldi keep coming,Chrome continues to rule the web by combining simplicity and performance.
At its Chrome Experiments website, Google keeps promoting innovative projects of coders from all around the world and showcases their creations.
The latest addition to the Chrome Experiments website is PixelSynth, which is created by Olivia Jack.
Written in JavaScript, this digital synthesiser makes use of WebAudio and Canvas to use images and drawings as the basis for creating new sounds.
On the Chrome Experiments website, it’s written that PixelSynth is inspired by ANS Synthesizer created by Evgeny Murzin in 1937.
Getting started with creating your own tunes is very easy in PixelSynth. All you need to is select an image from a given list, or upload your own, and start experimenting.
There are lots of customization options like brightness, contrast, speed, spacing and more. You can also draw over these images and alter the music in real-time.
While I wasn’t able to create any pleasant sound using any image, I have high hopes for you. Good luck!

Samsung Galaxy X — Samsung’s Foldable Display Phone Coming In 2017

Samsung fans will be surprised to know that the smartphone maker will release 5 flagship phones. One of these five devices will be Samsung Galaxy X — the company’s much talked about foldable screen smartphone. It’s expected that Galaxy X, based on the Project Valley, will fold just like a wallet.
With the continuously expanding smartphone market, technology companies are now releasing more than one flagship handsets each year. The same is true is for the Korean technology giant Samsung.
According to a new report of Sammobile, Samsung is planning to release five flagship devices in the upcoming year i.e. 2017.
Out of these highly anticipated devices is Samsung Galaxy X — the device which we called Samsung Galaxy Flex. The reports tell us that Galaxy X will come with a foldable display with a 4K display.
Earlier in the September 2015, we got to know about Samsung’s foldable display project that was being dubbed Project Valley.
It’s being hoped that this much-anticipated smartphone will be foldable like a wallet, making it easier to carry in the pocket.
Including Samsung Galaxy X, here’s the list of all 5 flagship devices:
  • Samsung Galaxy X
  • Samsung Galaxy S8
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 Edge
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 7
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Edge
All the smartphones, apart from Galaxy X, will feature QHD Super AMOLED displays. While Galaxy X will feature PenTile subpixel arrangement, other phones will come with RGB subpixel arrangement.
The report mentions that Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Edge will hit the market in the first half of 2017 and the Note devices will come in the second half.