Amazing Women Who Totally Rocked the Science World

Women have been making noteworthy contributions to the world of science since the earliest known times. Many women have displayed their endeavors by defying the restrictions and have overcome the difficulties in their own ways. Nowadays the situation is somehow better and women don’t face the problems they used to face in the past.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, fossBytes is sharing you an enriching infographic of the women who totally rocked at science. 😀
If you want to encourage the women in your life to pursue a career in science and tech, it’ll surely inspire them. These women have excelled in their work and accomplished so much to become distinguished.
In world-famous writer Virginia Woolf’s words:
“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”
These women are from different fields of science like biology, nuclear physics, biophysicists, space scientists and more.
Take a look at the infographic:
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10 Most Popular Computers In The History Of Computing

Some of the most popular computers in the computer history have left a mark behind as one of the most memorable machines the world ever saw. Some of these PCs made a history but could survive the history. Read more and know which computers were the kings of past era.
When personal computers were released almost half a century ago, the customers did not have a choice like they do have now. There were limited choices and on top of that, a customer had to decide the kind of software that would run on that PC for next a few upcoming years. So, just a few PCs were favorite among the computer users.

Here is a list of 10 Most Popular Computer In Computer History:

  • Timex Sinclair 1000

In 1981, Sinclair released a computer at a price of $100. This small computer, also known as the ZX81, ran on BASIC with just 2KB of RAM and 3.25 MHz processor. However, it made a perfect entry point for aspiring hobbyists who couldn’t spend a thousand dollars on a PC. With this price, the Timex Sinclair 1000 sold over 600,000 units in the United States and became one of the most popular computers of its time.
  • Tandy TRS-80

Tandy TRS-80 was launched in 1977. It offered its first model with 4K of RAM, a 1.77 MHz processor and a 12-inch monitor for $600. Later models of TRS-80 called TRS-100, greatly increased the computer’s capabilities, adding floppy support, extra ports, and more memory. The operating system called TRS-DOS (disk operating system) was the most popular computer OS predating MS-DOS. Tandy sold more than 200,000 units.
  • MSX

When the computer revolution had taken over the United States and Europe by companies like IBM, Commodore, Sinclair and Apple, Japan had its own hardware setups. The MSX was a unique computer which stood for Microsoft Extended Basic actually applied to a number of similar systems created by Japanese companies like Toshiba and Sony. MSX was the most popular machine in Japan those days.
  • NEC PC-98

If MSX was the most popular computer in Japan then NEC’s PC-98 was a big success in itself. NEC PC-98 was released in 1982. It ran on a 5 MHz Intel 8086 CPU, had two display controllers, and a base 128KB of RAM. The PC-98 was a powerful computer for its time, and NEC ruled the Japanese market with roughly a 50 percent market share.
  • iMac (One of the most popular computers)

iMac got instant popularity when Apple began advertising it on the name of its uniqueness. When they released the iMac in 1998, they advertised its colorful body by criticizing the beige color of drab PCs.It’s a simple, all-in-one design that incorporates all of the computer’s components into the monitor housing. Easy to move, easy to set up.
  • Commodore Amiga

The Commodore Amiga was released in 1987. It was released following the grand success of computers like the Commodore 64 and Apple II. It was newer, faster, better. The Amiga 500 made the jump from an 8-bit CPU up to 32 bits and 7 MHz of speed. The computer shipped with 512KB of RAM, support for up to 4096 colors, and an internal 3.5-inch floppy drive — just for a launch price of $700.
  • Apple II (One of the most popular computers)

Apple II was released in 1977, the same year Sinclair released the $100 Timex Sinclair 1000. However, this second computer from Apple was a great success even though it cost $1300. It was built on the design of the Apple I by retaining a simple 1MHz processor and 4KB of RAM and adding a case and keyboard.ZXSpectrum
  • ZX Spectrum

ZX Spectrum was a huge success in the UK and eventually it was the most popular computer of its time. It was launched in 1982. The design was similar: A small, affordable (£ 125 in the U.K.) system that incorporated a keyboard into its body. But the Spectrum was a much better computer than its predecessor, thanks to 16KB of RAM and a real hardware keyboard.
  • IBM PC: (One of the most popular computers)

IBM PC can be said as the first generation PC which is still trending in the market. The Intel-based, Windows-running computers that have dominated the market since the 1990s were born from the IBM PC.
Within a few years, all x86 computers — those using Intel’s processors — were compatible with the IBM PC and virtually identical to IBM’s design. They all ran MS-DOS, and the x86 PC field went on to become the de facto standard.
  • Commodore 64:

The Commodore 64 is the single most popular computer system ever sold. Released in 1982, the Commodore 64 had a 1MHz CPU but it came with two big draws:
  • A powerful, programmable sound chip and,
  • powerful graphics for a 1982 computer.
What made it stand out from the race of PCs was its reasonable cost of $595, 64KB of RAM and that could be plugged into a TV, making it a hybrid computer/video game console.
If you also know the most popular computer of its time which made a difference and you would like to share about that, you can put your views in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to mention your first machine’s specification.
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How To Make A Media Player In C Language In Less Than 1000 Lines Using ffmpeg

Using the rich ffmpeg video library written in C, you can make simple media applications. Based on the updated version of ffplay (sample program coming with ffmpeg), today I’m sharing a way to code your own media player in less than 1000 lines.
If you’are having the knowledge of libraries used for creating video applications, ffmpeg would sound another familiar name to you. This amazing general purpose library performs complex video processing work like decoding, encoding, demuxing and muxing. Written in C, this library decodes most codecs.
If you want to get started with ffmpeg, there isn’t much information available online. In this article, I’ll be sharing the tutorial I found on that borrows a C program written by Martin Böhme and uses it to develop a working video player.
To get the video and audio output of the media file, SDL has been used as it’s a good cross-platform media library used in many video games and media software. To compile the programs that’ll be taught in the tutorial, you need to download SDL development libraries on your system and install it.
With an idea queues, mutexes etc. in C and some multimedia basics, you are good to start with making your own media player.
While the program doesn’t make a player to fulfill all your media playback needs, it should be seen as a way to learn more and discover the opportunities to make improvements in the program.
Click here to get started with the tutorial. On each page, there’s a C file that you can download, compile, and follow along.
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Network Topology

Network topology is defined by two types — physical topology and the logical topology. While physical topology talks more about the geometry and physical placement of the devices on the same hand, logical topology is more about the way data communication or signalling happens among the devices.

What is Network Topology?

Network topology is the arrangement of the different networking elements like network links, computers, switches, nodes, Wi-Fi access points, laptops and other network devices in a computer network.
There are two types of Network Topologies:
  • Physical Network topology and,
  • Logical Network topology

What is a Physical topology?

A Physical topology defines how all the network devices are connected physically in a computer network. It mostly defines the physical connections among the devices.

What is a Logical topology?

A logical topology defines the logical connectivity of network devices on a computer network. So, it might happen that the devices connected in one type of physical topology might have different underlying logical topology.
If we elaborate more on the physical topology, it is essentially the placement of the various network components in a computer like the placement of the devices, the connection among the devices, installation of the cables etc. On the other hand, logical connection defines how data flows among the devices.
For example, let say there are five devices (A, B, C, D and E) that are connected in a row. This configuration of network devices might look more like a Bus topology. But let’s say device A can directly transmit the data to the device E. That means it looks more like a Circle which a Ring topology logically but a bus topology physically.
We will talk about different kinds of topologies — physical and logical — one by one in the next article. If you want articles on some particular topic, feel free to ask us in comments below.
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Brain – The New AI-powered Search Engine That Wants To Replace Google

Brain is the new product from Jerry Yue which is based on an advanced algorithm. Brain will work as a personal virtual assistant for each user by having users input not just a profile of who they are, but what they do and what they want to do in the future.
Jerry Yue who became famous for his last startup, the Chinese food delivery service, is on the way to launch Brain LLC in the US with the help of his young team of engineers from China’s top engineering school in Beijing.

Also Read: What Code Should You Learn In 2016
The engineers at Brain LLC claim that they have developed an advanced algorithm based on artificial intelligence that serves up the most contextually relevant information to a user without the need to go through the search results. One step further, Brain’s Advanced algorithm is already answering questions on Quora with an incredible degree of accuracy.
But, according to Jerry Yue, this is just the beginning. Ultimately, Yue wants his advanced algorithm to serve as a compliment to a users’ own brain.
“At a high level… if Google is a search engine this is an ambition engine,”
— Yue tells.
In the upcoming days, Yue wants ‘Brain’ to be the personal virtual assistant for each user by having users input not just a profile of who they are, but what they do and what they want to do in the future. Based on the user profile, Brain will create a set of data sets and it will combine its data set with a social platform to connect users who share similar interests.
While Yue was building, he spent his spare time tinkering with robotics and programming.
“I’ve been working on this algorithm for more than four years,”
— said Yue.
He has already raised nearly $1.5 million funds from an influential Chinese investor.