Six Steps to Build a Perfectly Branded Website

10:58:00 AM Amad Ahmad 0 Comments

Every single business needs to have a perfectly branded website, as this is the place where all of your online marketing efforts begin and end, it’s the center of your universe and all of your social media and other online marketing channels act as satellites directing people back to your website.
Having just any old website will not do your business any favors, in fact it’s more than likely to do the opposite and help drive potential customers away. To help ensure you have a perfectly branded website, follow these few steps.

Choose Your Domain Name Wisely

If you already have a name for your business, your domain name should typically match it. If you cannot purchase the exact name, because someone else has it, consider using keywords or keyword phrases that match what you do in your business instead. Be careful here, though. If you change your products or services later, you may have to start over.

Use a Reliable Hosting Service

While this may not seem to be related to your brand, it is because you want your hosting company to be very reliable so that your website does not have much, if any down time because most people will not revisit a website they find that is offline. If they click through on some of your advertising and end up on an error page due to the fact that your website has crashed or is down, they probably won’t come back. It’s also worth checking out what support your hosting company offers and how easy it is to contact them when something goes wrong.

Design User-Friendly Navigation

No one likes going to a website and being unable to find what they are looking for, so try to make it super easy for your visitors to find everything on your website by having multiples types of website navigation and multiple ways to contact you. Don’t try to have a flash navigation system that no one understands, have your home button top left and contact us far right, why? Because this is where people expect to find them and by doing this you’ll give people what they expect and you’ll get more click through.

Create an Attractive Layout

The layout of your website should be pleasing to the eye, match your other marketing materials and evoke the emotions you want it to, based on your brand’s image. It should be responsive and work on multiple devices, oh and if your website is not responsive you are losing out big-time as more people now access the Internet via mobile devices than by computer and these people are not going to your website unless its responsive.

Blog Regularly and with a Purpose

It’s not enough to just have a blog that you update every now and again. You need a blog that has targeted information relating to your business written for your targeted audience. The blog posts should be smart, unique, and speak to your audience as well as use keywords that attract search engine traffic and you must update your blog regularly and to a schedule your audience can learn and therefore can anticipate new content.

Keep All Information Updated

Aside from a blog that is updated on a regular basis, it is important that other information on your website is also kept updated. If you’ve listed your staff on your website, and someone leaves or someone else joins make it a priority to update this information. This applies to all information as people don’t want to read about past events, outdated news or anything that isn’t currently applicable, so keep it updated and your audience engaged.
It’s also important to always keep promoting your website via your social media accounts and every other means you know about and understand The more you promote your website, the more likely you are to want to keep it current and relevant to your audience. You should be proud of your website, and it should form one of the key ingredients of your marketing plan.
Any type of marketing done online should be aimed at directing people back to your website – whether it’s to go to the website to fill out a form, to read a blog post, to watch a video, to sign up for a contest, or to buy something. The website is the center of your online universe and everything else satellites directing people back.

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