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39 Awesome Tips For Happy and Healthy Life

5 Little Things That Will Improve Your Relationship

Happy couples know that good relationships take work. It’s a joint effort by both of you to keep a good thing going. But you don’t have to make grand gestures like sweeping them off to a second honeymoon to have a healthy relationship. Sometimes it’s the small things that make all the difference.
No matter how good things are with your partner, they can always be better. For couples who are looking to improve on their relationships, here are 5 little things that you can start doing right away.



When your partner wants to do something that you don’t want to do, you can easily disappoint them by saying no to their request. “Yes but” is a little phrase that really means the same as saying “No.” The “but” is usually followed by an excuse for why you don’t want to do what your partner wants.
For example, if your partner wants to go for an afternoon of golf and you’d rather go to a movie, instead of saying “Yes but I want to go to a movie,” say “Yes, AND then we can go see a movie after we golf.” With “Yes and,” you both get what you want and you have two activities that you can share in.


In a relationship, it’s all about compromise. You can’t have your way all the time and neither can your partner. Accept that your partner has different preferences than you do, and that’s what makes them unique.
Avoid arguments by releasing the need to have things your way. When your partner wants something their way, let them have it. Don’t keep score either.
The same goes for the need to be right all the time. If your partner and you are arguing over what time your favorite TV show comes on, one of you is probably wrong. In the big picture of your relationship over your lifetime, you won’t still be debating this ten years from now, so let it go. Otherwise the nonstop arguments over little things could be the reason that you don’t have that ten year anniversary.


Think about the last time that you heard someone speak who captured your full attention. Maybe it was a famous person making a speech about a topic that was interesting to you. Now think about the last time that your partner spoke to you. Can you even remember what they said? What was the difference in your attitude and behavior toward each speaker?
We speak at a slower rate than our minds are capable of processing information. As a result, while our partners are talking, our thoughts often wander to the little things that are important to us like what we could be getting done instead of listening to them talk.
Rather than disrespecting your partner by not giving them your full attention, practice active listening. Remove distractions like your cell phone, turn your body toward your partner make eye contact, and don’t interrupt them. As they speak, try to mentally summarize their meaning in your own words. When they finish, clarify that you understood what they were trying to communicate.


study in The Family Journal found that relationship satisfaction was higher for couples who played together more frequently. The shared experiences of a fun time together create a bond that improves intimacy.
Play can be anything from a physical activity like a sport to movie night at home. Finding opportunities to have fun doesn’t have to be a planned activity either. Play with your partner could be as simple as sharing a laugh.
Find humor in everyday things that you can playfully tease your partner about. For example, have a laugh with each other over the fact that you almost poured orange juice into your cereal. If you two have an inside joke that no one else could understand, you share that private connection in your relationship.


Margaret Paul, Ph.D., author of Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You? says that “Complaints create stress, while gratitude creates inner peace, so gratitude creates not only emotional and relationship health, but physical health as well.” Reducing stress is a great reason to appreciate your partner.
Focusing on positives rather than negatives also improves your attitude toward your partner. If your spouse just fixed the dishwasher but left a mess of tools and dirty parts on the counter, focus on the good and not the bad. Instead of saying “Why can’t you put your tools away where they belong?,” say “It’s wonderful to have a loving partner who can fix things when they break.” When your words express what’s going right in your relationship, your thoughts agree with them.

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I didn't lose you, you lost me.

Some People will only "love you" as much as they can use you. Their Loyalty ends where the benefits stop.

5 Fears Holding You Back From The Life Of Your Dreams

Worry is like paying interest on a debt that we don’t yet owe. It’s useless, wasteful, and ridiculous, yet all of us do it. Why?
Well, it’s important to note that worry stems from fear, an evolutionary emotion with which all of us are familiar. While fear can certainly save us from entering a dangerous situation, it can also prevent us from pursuing a life changing opportunity. More often than not, it’s fear that keeps us from applying for our dream job, boarding an airplane, or falling in love.
One thing is for certain, the more power we give fear, the more it lords over us. By identifying our most common fears, specifically as they relate to going after what we want, we give ourselves an opportunity to stare them down, face them head on, and ultimately, take away their power. Here I list 5 fears that are holding you back right now from living the life of your dreams.
1. Fear of Wasting Time. Ah yes, time. The most valuable resource we have and the most precious gift we can give. It makes sense that we’re afraid to waste it. But consider this, has going after your dreams ever really been a waste of time? We must recognize that going after our dreams inherently involves challenging ourselves, pushing past our comfort zones, and striving to be the best we can be. How could that ever be a waste of time?
2. Fear of Going Broke. Closely related to the fear of wasting time is the fear of going broke. Let’s face it… time is money. It’s understandable, then, to be concerned about money while in the midst of pursuing our dreams. Especially when said pursuit doesn’t pay. But the solution is simple; keep your day job until it does. Cut back on frivolous activities like watching TV or posting Instagram Selfies. Instead, spend your free time carving out the life of your dreams.
3. Fear of Being Inadequate. Psychologists call this the “Imposter Syndrome”. It’s an internal experience of chronic self-doubt characterized by feeling like a fake. Sound relatable? Just remember, simply because we feel inadequate, doesn’t mean that we are. This is especially the case when surrounded by information that indicates the opposite is true. Chances are good that if the dream is truly embedded in your heart, you’re as likely a candidate as anyone to make that dream a reality.
4. Fear of Failure. Also known as the fear of not being successful. Of course, any endeavor into which we pour our time, energy, and resources, we want (and maybe even expect) to be successful. But alas, this isn’t always the case. Not at first try, anyway. Ask yourself this, what is my definition of success? If I don’t make any money from it, did I fail? If people don’t enjoy it, was it pointless? Any person who is truly successful in their field will tell you that failure is merely a stepping stone. The only real failure is not having tried at all.
5. Fear of Success. Perhaps more common than the fear of failure is the much more deep-rooted fear of success. As Marianne Williamson famously wrote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” All too often we sit on the verge of success listening to that small, insecure voice as it whispers, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?” When the real question is… who are you not to be?

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Action is the foundational key to all SUCCESS.

Paulo Coelho

Human Race


5 Signs You’re Aging Quicker Than You Should

Our bodies are an amazing work of art. They tell us all we need to know about our health, through subtle, yet very obvious signs. The problem is we are often too busy or too afraid to pay attention to what they’re telling us. When we do listen, though, we can take corrective measures, attack ailments and set ourselves up for long-term health.
While the outward signs of premature aging might make us feel “old,” it can also be a sign that something is going on inside our bodies. As with any change in our body, if it is chronic and can’t be attributed to a specific event, it is always recommended you check in with your doctor.
Of course, any sign of aging takes into account our genes, our environment, and our lifestyle. Not all aging nor all signs are created equal. So when determining whether we’re aging quickly or not, it’s important to understand our personal history.



We chew, chomp, sip, crunch and gnaw our way to a fading smile. It’s no wonder that everyday wear and tear plus the natural aging process will eventually take its toll on our pearly whites. Tooth enamel wears down over time thanks to certain types of foods and, as a result, our teeth take on a yellow hue. The biggest threat to our smile is sugary foods and drinks plus caffeine.


  • Lighten up on sugary foods, caffeine and carbonated soft drinks.
  • Try to avoid frequent snacking because this increases acid levels in the mouth, contributing to poor oral health.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. This will help put your body in an alkaline state, and create strong, healthy teeth.


In general, aging causes hair to thin, and the changing hormones in our bodies can make our eyebrows and lashes look patchy and sparse. Years of grooming, tweezing, and beautifying damage the follicles, making it harder for hair to grow.


  • Add foods to your diet that support hair growth, such as ones with Vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Massage coconut oil into affected areas to help stimulate hair growth.
  • Exfoliate with a sugar/coconut oil combination to increase circulation to the area.


Red eyes are not only a result of a late night, a summer cold, or allergies, but chronic red eyes can also signal other ailments in your body, specifically inflammation. Inflammation and aging are closely related because as we age, our bodies produce small levels of inflammation that are associated with joint pain, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s.


  • Evaluate your diet and add more green tea, antioxidant-rich berries, and Omega-3s.
  • Create a natural eyewash of chamomile tea or use a warm chamomile tea bag as a compress.
  • With a clean dropper, add a drop or two of castor oil to the corners of each eye.


It’s no surprise that we will experience changes in the tone and texture as we age. Just how quickly this happens is usually a result of our health habits, including our diet, exercise and sleep patterns. There are also environmental causes to aging skin, including frequent exposure to the sun and pollution.


  • Use natural sunscreens. You can even make your own using coconut oil, olive oil, and zinc oxide.
  • Us a scrub of sugar, baking soda, and yogurt to gently exfoliate and brighten the skin.
  • Cab the skin with liquid Vitamin K to lighten age spots.


Changes in hormones that happen as we age are probably the primary reason for the dull, brittle and thinning hair. There are other factors such as frequent stress, medications, and not to mention excessive styling, coloring, and other chemical-laden products we tend to use on our locks. As we age, it’s important to be kinder to our hair and scalp to keep the follicles healthy and productive.


  • Eliminate harsh chemicals from your hair-care routine and use protein-rich natural products instead.
  • Consider adding a dose of biotin to your daily supplement regimen.
  • Massage warm oil into your scalp once a week.
  • Reduce the number of times you wash your hair per week.
Everything we do to take care of our bodies has the power to enact an immediate change. Of course, we can’t control hereditary factors, but we can control many of the things that cause premature aging. It’s not hard to establish a practice of caring for our body and ultimately our long-term health, but it does take work.


  1. Control stress and anxiety levels with meditation and yoga.
  2. Keep joints healthy through daily movement.
  3. Control blood sugar levels with farm-fresh, organic foods.
  4. Take supplements to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral levels.
  5. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
It’s not hard to see that a simple, healthy lifestyle not only promotes a healthier body, but also contributes to a healthy looking one. Use the signs of pre-mature aging as a wake-up call and take heed. Get a check up and then begin making small changes. The bottom line is we should be good to ourselves; our bodies deserve it.
Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad

The World's Hunger

                                                 Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad


Dreams are the fuel in our lives that drives us to achieve new and better things for ourselves. I will be the first to admit that I often times spend more time dreaming than I do working toward making those dreams a reality. No matter how far-fetched your personal dreams may seem, there is always a chance you can make them come true. Here are 5 key things to keep in mind when you decide to make your dreams a reality.


No matter if you dream is to start a business or scale mount Everest, you have to stay aware of the little victories along the way. Every baby step forward is a step towards where you want to go. Sure, they seem insignificant in the grand scale of the journey, but every single inch forward is an inch further than you were before.


As we move towards achieving our dreams, it seems like any little setback can shift us off of our path. Setbacks are not an opportunity to turn and run, they are an opportunity to truly focus on what we want and how to get there. Taking the time to evaluate a failure objectively is the difference in letting failure become a trend and using failure as a lesson for what to do in the future.


Motivation is the key to success, plain and simple. If you don’t have a passion for whatever it is that you are doing, how can you expect to achieve it? Motivation is a little, simple thing that is readily available in a variety of mediums. Read a quote from someone you admire, remind yourself of how far you’ve come, reach out to someone for a pep-talk – whatever you do, just keep going.


Good habits in life are the grease on the wheels that keeps us moving forward. Little things, like getting enough sleep or eating right, may seem like they aren’t connected to achieving our goals. In reality, they are essential. Maintaining good habits isn’t something that happens overnight, so keep that in mind while you work to improve your habits.


Last, and certainly not least, you’ve got to be tough. There are going to be struggles in the pursuit of your dreams that are going to feel insurmountable. Know in your heart that there is nothing that you can’t do in this life with a little faith and the right attitude. This life is yours, so get to living it!

                                            Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad