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High-Stress Jobs May Raise Stroke Risk

People who have high-stress jobs may have an increased risk of stroke, according to a new analysis of previous research.

In their analysis, researchers looked at six studies that involved a total of nearly 140,000 people ages 18 to 75, and examined the relationship between work stress and people's risk of stroke. The studies were between three and 17 years long.

The researchers found that people who had high-stress jobs were 22 percent more likely to experience a stroke than those who had low-stress jobs.

Moreover, those with high-stress jobs were 58 percent more likely to have an ischemic stroke, which is the most common type of stroke, caused by a blockage of blood flow in the brain, compared to people with low-stress jobs. 

"These results revealed that being exposed to high-stress jobs was associated with an increased risk of stroke, especially for ischemic stroke," said study author Dr. Yuli Huang, of Southern Medical University in Guangzhou, China.
When the investigators looked at the participants' gender, they found that women with high-stress jobs were 33 percent more likely to have a stroke than those with low-stress jobs.
The researchers did not find a link between having a high-stress job and an increased risk of stroke when they only looked at men. However, this may be due to the limited number of studies included in the analysis, the researchers said.

People tend to experience high levels stress at their job when they have little control over what they have to do, are under high time pressure and have to coordinate a lot of tasks, the researchers said. Examples of such jobs include working as waiters and nursing aides, whereas examples of low-stress jobs include working as natural scientists and architects.
The study showed an association, not a cause-and-effect relationship between high levels of job stress and an increased risk of stroke.

However, the researchers suspect that "work stress may foster unhealthy behavior such as smoking, reduced physical activity, lower help-seeking behavior and poor eating habits — all of which are also important risk factors for stroke," Huang told Live Science. 
Moreover, work-related stress has also been linked with certain cardiovascular risk factors such as high body mass index, impaired metabolism of a sugar called glucose and abnormal levels of fats in the blood, which are also risk factors for stroke, Huang said.
Of the six studies included in the analysis, five adjusted the results to take the participants' ages into account, but "most of the included studies were not adequately adjusted for other risk factors," the authors of the new analysis noted.

"We think further studies are needed to evaluate whether job stress directly increases the risk of stroke or whether other concurrent risk factors are responsible for the increased risk observed," Huang said.

Dr. Jennifer J. Majersik, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City who was not involved in the new research, said the studies included in the analysis did not always measure the participants' metabolism or inflammation levels, which may also mediate people's risk of stroke.

"Once there is further clarity on this issue, high job strain may be considered an independent stroke risk factor in the future — and one that is potentially modifiable," Majersik said, writing in an editorial that was published in the journal along with the study.
Employers can help lower workers' stress levels, for example, by allowing them greater latitude in making their own decisions at work and embracing flexible working arrangements such as telecommuting, she said.

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7 Stretches In 7 Minutes For Complete Lower Back Pain Relief

Living a more sedentary lifestyle is something that is all-too commonplace in a world where we increasingly rely on technology for more and more of the daily tasks that used to have us moving about to get accomplished. Anyone who works with computers, from home, or doing office work can attest to the fact that they probably don’t move around as much as they used to before the rise of smart phones, tablets and laptops. This is one reason among many why people need to put more of a conscious effort into taking care of the vessels we have the privilege of inhabiting. Stretching and exercise is something we all need to need to place more of a focus on, regardless if you move more during the day or not. The stats don’t lie, either.. About 31 MILLION people in the US alone experience some sort of lower back pain at any given time.
We have posted about the benefits of yoga and stretching before in an article titled “New Research Confirms Multiple Benefits of Yoga on your Body and Mind” and this here works off the same premise as that. Consistent stretching is good for your body and mind, period. (anyone who’s ever been in a martial arts class or something similar before can confirm this)
I came across these back stretches on Simple Organic Life not too long ago and figured it was worth passing it along to our subscribers here on The Mind Unleashed. This is a little something that we can all benefit from, whether we are already fit or not:

1. The hamstring floor stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds twice for each leg.

2. Knee to chest stretch.

This helps strengthen and relax your glutes. Hold for 20 seconds for each leg twice.

3. Spinal stretch.

This was a favorite of mine when I suffered sciatica. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other knee. Do this as many times as you like but don’t overdo it.

4. The piriformis stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

5. The hip flexors stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds and then switch and repeat.

6. The quadriceps lying down stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds on each side. Do this one twice on each side.

7. The total back stretch.

Hold this for 30 seconds and then try this:
Hold for 10 seconds on both sides.
Disclaimer: You should consult a physician before doing this if you are in doubt of your abilities to do it. The author is not a doctor and doesn’t claim to be.

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What Your Eyes Say About Your Health

Eyes are the window into the body, offering a great pre-warning for many life threatening illnesses.
Most of us think we only need their eyes checked for vision problems, but all of us should have regular examinations, as conditions such as diabetes can be detected in the eye before they start to cause problems in the body.
Here is what a few common eye symptoms could reveal about your body’s health:
Red eyes
Could be: High Blood pressure
When an optician shines a light into your eyes, they see the tiny blood vessels in your retinas the sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.
High blood pressure can make these blood vessels appear twisted  or even cause them to burst so the eyes look red. A quarter of adults with high blood pressure don’t know they have the condition, which can cause strokes.
Yellow deposits behind the eye
could be: Diabetes

Yellow deposits of fat, or small tears in the retina, are signs of Type 2 diabetes. A big change to your glasses prescription is another. Early diagnosis is key to avoiding long-term, sometimes fatal, complications.
Iris rings
Could be: High cholesterol

White rings around the iris,  the coloured part of the eye are a sign of high cholesterol levels.
Another clue is ‘xanthelasmas’  flat, white fat deposits under the skin on or around your eyelids. Studies show people with both these symptoms have a higher risk of heart disease.
Pale inner eyelids
Could be: Anaemia

If the inside of your lower eyelids look pale when pulled down, you may be anaemic  lacking iron, which helps makes red blood cells. Anaemia can be treated with iron supplements, but can be a sign of internal bleeding, so see your GP.
Bulging eyes
Could be: Thyroid problems

Prominent-looking eyes can run in families, but eyes that appear to bulge may be evidence of an overactive thyroid. Abnormal levels of thyroid hormone cause the tissues around the eye to swell, making it appear the eye is popping outwards.
Droopy eyelid
Could be: Bell’s Palsy or Stroke
A drooping eye can indicate Bell’s Palsy, a temporary facial paralysis. It can also be a symptom of a stroke, especially if the speech is slurred.
More rarely, it could also be evidence of a brain tumour or an autoimmune disease that is known as myasthenia gravis.
Yellow eyes
Could be: Liver disease

Liver conditions, including hepatitis and cirrhosis, can turn the whites of your eyes yellow a symptom which requires an immediate doctor’s trip. The colour is caused by bilirubin, a chemical created by the breakdown of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule inside red blood cells.
Pale optic nerve
Could be: MS or Brain tumour

The optic nerve, which transmits information from the retina to the brain, is visible at the rear of the eye to an optician. A pale optic nerve can be an early manifestation of MS or evidence of a brain tumour.
Different sized pupils
Could be: Stroke or tumour

Healthy pupils are around the same size and react similarly to light. If this is not the case with you, check yourself for problems such as stroke, brain or optic nerve tumour, a brain aneurysm or MS.

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8 Things To Remember When You Think You’re Not Good Enough

Negative self talk is something that seems to affect all of us at one time or another. I know I can say myself that it has been a problem in my past, and even now still creeps up on me from time to time.
We all have different reasons as to why we might think we are not good enough inside, whether it be because we think we can’t do something, we haven’t achieved enough or that we simply don’t have all the skills to make something happen. We may go through hard times or challenges and make them even harder as we start telling ourselves a series of stories as to how we got in this “mess” to begin with.
“I always have this happen to me.” “I will never be able to achieve what I want.” “It’s too hard for me to change.” “Others have it easier than me and are capable of more.”
The bottom line is, no matter what stories we tell ourselves, we can overcome any challenge we face as we wouldn’t be in it if we couldn’t overcome it. But, like you, I have been through a number of challenges in my life and have learned a lot along the way about overcoming these stories and that’s what I want to share today.

1. Your Mind Will Trick You & Even Scare You

I think back to when CE was first getting started. I was still working a job and I wanted to take things full time and really expand CE to the next level. Many of my friends and family already thought much of what I shared through CE was “weird” simply because it was different and challenged them. Leaving a good job to run a website wasn’t something many thought could work and because of the constant words of discouragement, I believed that at times too.
If what I was doing wasn’t about money how could I ever survive? How would I pay my bills and move forward in life? Something like this could never support me. These were many of the thoughts I not only heard from others but told myself. And until I pushed through them and took action, those stories did cripple me from moving forward. Even when I chose to move forward, thoughts still came in and my mind told me stories that things wouldn’t work, would fall apart and that I should be careful. Yet I’m still here..
Be smart with your choices, feel them out and go with what you feel inside. But don’t let your mind scare you from doing something.

2. People You Compare Yourself To Have Challenges Too

I’ve been through this one quite a few times. The people we often compare ourselves to; “I wish I was able to be as good as that person at something,” often have many challenges that you don’t see. While we think just because they may have or excel at something we think their lives are perfect, there’s a lot more to the story and often times “being” them isn’t going to suddenly make us happy. Not to mention it’s not about chasing things, achievements or happiness, it’s about allowing yourself to be YOU and allowing others to be themselves. We’re not all meant to be the same and each of us come with our own unique journey. Appreciate yours.

3. Your Impact On Others Is Always Powerful, No Matter How Many People You Affect

Sometimes we have cravings to really want to make an impact and we think we are too small or are incapable of helping to inspire others or change the world. Until we remember that no matter how big or small one’s actions are they still can change the world and affect others, we will always be chasing more.
People have shared their love and thanks with me many times about my work and what I’ve done to impact them, yet when I get caught up in thinking about how much MORE I could be doing, I don’t feel peace about what I’m doing now. Sometimes a simple act of being kind to someone can impact another in a way that affects 1000 more. Don’t underestimate and play down your own individual power.

4. You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

“When I finally get beyond ‘this’ or get good at ‘this’ I will be happy and ready to go!” How many times have we said that about something? Again it can come down to comparing ourselves to others. It’s a cycle we get in where we look at where we are now and simply think it’s not good enough. Trust where you are. It’s perfect for you. It doesn’t mean you don’t take action and simply ‘chill’ where you are. No, instead be at peace inside about where you are, accept it and take steps to continue moving forward but be patient with yourself. You will get to where you need to be. Enjoy the journey of it all, focus less on the result.

5. When You Get To Where You Think You Should Be, You Still Won’t Have Peace Unless..

Peace and happiness is an inside job. It’s partly why I don’t like to use the word “happy” too often. We get caught up in chasing it and we always use external things to feel it. It’s an emotion, not a state of being. It has an opposite and that opposite is sadness. We often set up conditions for our happiness. If I do this, have this or become this I will be happy, if not, I’m sad. Peace or what we could call ‘true happiness’ is something that isn’t about what we do but our state of being. It’s about kicking out all the stories and patterns that keep us out of peace, our natural state.

6. Negative Self Talk Is Not Going To Make Things Better & Can Be Addictive

This is another big one that is very common. Very much related to what’s been mentioned already, getting into negative self talk and doing it consistently doesn’t make anything better and usually only makes things worse. But we get so addicted to it. It becomes like a habit where the first thing out of our mouths when someone asks us something about what we are doing or how we feel is a negative piece about yourself.
Considering there is no purpose to negative self talk other than to maybe you that you about self-love, kick the habit. Start observing how often you do it and then make an effort to stop before you start next time. Soon enough you won’t even have the thoughts coming to your head anymore.

7. You Are Not What You Do

So many times we get caught up in the idea that if we do something, we will suddenly have more value and thus when we don’t do something or don’t achieve something we feel worthless or not good enough. But, we are not what we do. That does not make up who we are and our “achievements” don’t make us any better or worse of a person. Sure, it’s OK to be pleased with yourself if you did something great, but it isn’t about making that part of your identity and then suddenly feeling like you have more value. Likewise when we don’t do or haven’t done something, it does not make us any better or worse. If you’re waiting for that moment of completing something to feel worthy, you might be waiting a lifetime.

8. Take A Moment, Think Of How Awesome You Truly Are

Finally, just take a moment and think about you as a being. No doubt you’ve done some awesome things in this life time, but can you say that to yourself? Instead of defining so much about you as being “bad” or focusing on times you weren’t happy with yourself, ask yourself why you even feel that way about yourself to begin with? Why do you feel that because you aren’t a certain way that you are not worthy or good enough? Challenge yourself to explore and find answers to this, you will learn a lot about yourself. When you understand how your belief systems work, you can also learn how to kick them. Then simply look at yourself from a neutral stand point and see the true brilliance of yourself. You are not the stories your mind makes up about you.

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The ‘Muscle of the Soul’ may be Triggering Your Fear and Anxiety

The psoas major muscle (pronounced “so-as”) is often referred to as the deepest core, or as yoga therapist and film-maker Danielle Olson states, the “muscle of the soul.” This core-stabilizing muscle located near the hip bone affects mobility, structural balance, joint function, flexibility, and much more. In addition to its function to help keep the body upright and moving, the psoas is believed to allow you to connect with the present moment especially when it is stretched out and tension is released from the body.
Research indicates that the psoas is vital to our psychological wellbeing in addition to structural health. Liz Koch, author of The Psoas Book, states that our psoas “literally embodies our deepest urge for survival, and more profoundly, our elemental desire to flourish.” This means that there is a lot more to the psoas than one might initially think. It is entirely possible to harness healing pranic energy and improve mental health by keeping the psoas healthy.

Where is the Psoas?

The psoas is the principal muscle associated with physical stability. It stretches from the legs to the spine and is the only muscle connecting the legs to the spinal column. The muscle flares out from the T12 vertebrae, follows down the five lumbar vertebrae, before attaching to the top of the thigh bone.
The Reptilian Connection
In addition to connecting the legs and spine, the psoas is connected to the diaphragm. Breathing is modulated at the diaphragm, and it is also the location where many physical symptoms associated with fear and anxiety manifest. Koch believes that this is due to the direct link between the psoas and the most ancient part of our brain stem and spinal cord, called the reptilian brain.
According to Koch, “Long before the spoken word or the organizing capacity of the cortex developed, the reptilian brain, known for its survival instincts, maintained our essential core functioning.” The way we live today, constantly rushing, competing and achieving, has the psoas in a constant “fight or flight” state.
Issues Associated with Chronic Psoas Stress
Trapped in a constant “flight or fight” state, psoas muscles are stressed and constricted, almost from the time of birth. As Koch notes, “this situation is exacerbated by many things in our modern lifestyle, from car seats to constrictive clothing, from chairs to shoes that distort our posture, curtail our natural movements and further constrict our psoas.” This lifelong chronic stress put on the psoas can lead to many problems like back, hip, or knee pain, and even digestive issues and dysfunctional breathing. It could also be a major cause why people suffer from chronic physical pain.
The physical body is not the only part of you that suffers from a chronically-stressed psoas. The psoas is much more than a muscle used for structural stability. It influences every element of life, from how you feel, to how you look at the world, and even how you treat others. A variety of problems have been associated with a chronically-stressed psoas muscle: it can negatively affect your emotional state; it can impact your interpersonal relationships; and it can influence your general contentment with life. Awareness that a healthy psoas is important to emotional wellness, as well as physical health, is the first step towards ensuring that we give this muscle the attention it deserves.
Koch states, “Whether you suffer from sore back or anxiety, from knee strain or exhaustion, there’s a good chance that a constricted psoas might be contributing to your woes.”
Fear and the Psoas
Since the psoas is closely linked to our “fight or flight” mechanism, fear can be over-represented in those with a constricted psoas.
It is an emotion that manifests itself in the most unusual ways and can “lock” itself into the body resulting in both physical and emotional tension. By restoring balance to your psoas muscles, you are likely to release this pent up tension, which can have a profound effect on releasing unfounded fearfulness about life, and thus improve both your physical and mental wellbeing. You will feel a greater sense of inner peace, along with fewer muscle aches and strains.
The Connection to the Energetic Body
Lengthening and releasing your psoas grounds you to the Earth, which is filled with healing and revitalizing energy, thus allowing you to balance your pranic energy and enabling you to feel more present in the moment. Proper structural stability attributed to a healthy psoas allows prana to flow, unimpeded, throughout the body, allowing for proper distribution of vital energy. In the physical sense, when the body can properly support itself, movement is less-restricted and requires less effort, thus leaving you more energetic.
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
Our understanding of the psoas is by no means new knowledge. In fact, it is more akin to ancient wisdom that was either lost or discarded over time. Yoga shows us explicitly that ancient gurus understood the importance of releasing contracted psoas muscles. Ancient yoga asanas, or postures, that are now practiced all around the world, focus on lengthening and releasing psoas muscles and restoring comfort and balance to the entire body. With consistent practice, you can learn how to isolate this muscle, which can be immensely useful and healing in the long run.
Yoga is also a great way to measure the current health of the psoas. There are many postures, such as tree (Vrksasana), which cannot be properly achieved if the psoas is contracted. If you are practicing a sitting or standing yoga pose and feel strain in either your knees or lower back (or both), then there’s a good chance that your psoas is constricted and needs more of your attention.
The psoas is an important, yet often unknown, muscle that plays a vital role in physical health and mental wellbeing. The cumulative effect of neglecting this muscle is physical and mental stress and tension, which manifests itself in our society as anxiety, depression, chronic back pain, knee pain, digestive distress, respiratory problems, etc.

Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad


Some say it's good to keep busy, and that has some truth to it. But are you keeping busy because it's hard for you to handle 'nothingness?' If that's the case, busy is just another form of escape from something we have yet to face and let go of... 

Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad

The Darknet

Do you know about the Darknet and TOR? Here’s an interesting piece of information if you are interested in the web security and related niche. 
The internet you use and the websites your browse – these are just a fraction of the entire web. Some of you would be knowing this widely popular fact about the hidden world of Darknet. But, your knowledge shouldn’t be limited to this fact. So, we are here to tell you more about this underground world for the “underground”.
The Darknet can’t be accessed using the regular web browser and internet connection. You can access this by using encryption mechanisms like TOR or some other password protected forums.
Many of you would be aware that the TOR network (The Onion Router) was developed by the United States Navy Research Laboratory in 1990’s to communicate securely and its code was later released under a free license.
By configuring your TOR browser,  you can access the Darknet websites. Apart from being a means to express your views freely, whistleblowing and secure communications, the Darknet is home to illegal products. It’s widely used to share child pornography, drugs, and other illegal information.
Also read: What is Traffic Fingerprinting and How it is Used to Attack Tor Network
The Darknet exists from a long time and it’s impossible for the governments to control what’s going on there with the available tools.
Bat Blue has made an interesting infographic that brings the basic principles of the Darknet and tells the ways to access the Darknet securely. Take a look:
Welcome to the Darknet (click to enlarge)

Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad

5 Signs You’re Aging Quicker Than You Should

Our bodies are an amazing work of art. They tell us all we need to know about our health, through subtle, yet very obvious signs. The problem is we are often too busy or too afraid to pay attention to what they’re telling us. When we do listen, though, we can take corrective measures, attack ailments and set ourselves up for long-term health.
While the outward signs of premature aging might make us feel “old,” it can also be a sign that something is going on inside our bodies. As with any change in our body, if it is chronic and can’t be attributed to a specific event, it is always recommended you check in with your doctor.
Of course, any sign of aging takes into account our genes, our environment, and our lifestyle. Not all aging nor all signs are created equal. So when determining whether we’re aging quickly or not, it’s important to understand our personal history.



We chew, chomp, sip, crunch and gnaw our way to a fading smile. It’s no wonder that everyday wear and tear plus the natural aging process will eventually take its toll on our pearly whites. Tooth enamel wears down over time thanks to certain types of foods and, as a result, our teeth take on a yellow hue. The biggest threat to our smile is sugary foods and drinks plus caffeine.


  • Lighten up on sugary foods, caffeine and carbonated soft drinks.
  • Try to avoid frequent snacking because this increases acid levels in the mouth, contributing to poor oral health.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. This will help put your body in an alkaline state, and create strong, healthy teeth.


In general, aging causes hair to thin, and the changing hormones in our bodies can make our eyebrows and lashes look patchy and sparse. Years of grooming, tweezing, and beautifying damage the follicles, making it harder for hair to grow.


  • Add foods to your diet that support hair growth, such as ones with Vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Massage coconut oil into affected areas to help stimulate hair growth.
  • Exfoliate with a sugar/coconut oil combination to increase circulation to the area.


Red eyes are not only a result of a late night, a summer cold, or allergies, but chronic red eyes can also signal other ailments in your body, specifically inflammation. Inflammation and aging are closely related because as we age, our bodies produce small levels of inflammation that are associated with joint pain, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s.


  • Evaluate your diet and add more green tea, antioxidant-rich berries, and Omega-3s.
  • Create a natural eyewash of chamomile tea or use a warm chamomile tea bag as a compress.
  • With a clean dropper, add a drop or two of castor oil to the corners of each eye.


It’s no surprise that we will experience changes in the tone and texture as we age. Just how quickly this happens is usually a result of our health habits, including our diet, exercise and sleep patterns. There are also environmental causes to aging skin, including frequent exposure to the sun and pollution.


  • Use natural sunscreens. You can even make your own using coconut oil, olive oil, and zinc oxide.
  • Us a scrub of sugar, baking soda, and yogurt to gently exfoliate and brighten the skin.
  • Cab the skin with liquid Vitamin K to lighten age spots.


Changes in hormones that happen as we age are probably the primary reason for the dull, brittle and thinning hair. There are other factors such as frequent stress, medications, and not to mention excessive styling, coloring, and other chemical-laden products we tend to use on our locks. As we age, it’s important to be kinder to our hair and scalp to keep the follicles healthy and productive.


  • Eliminate harsh chemicals from your hair-care routine and use protein-rich natural products instead.
  • Consider adding a dose of biotin to your daily supplement regimen.
  • Massage warm oil into your scalp once a week.
  • Reduce the number of times you wash your hair per week.
Everything we do to take care of our bodies has the power to enact an immediate change. Of course, we can’t control hereditary factors, but we can control many of the things that cause premature aging. It’s not hard to establish a practice of caring for our body and ultimately our long-term health, but it does take work.


  1. Control stress and anxiety levels with meditation and yoga.
  2. Keep joints healthy through daily movement.
  3. Control blood sugar levels with farm-fresh, organic foods.
  4. Take supplements to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral levels.
  5. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
It’s not hard to see that a simple, healthy lifestyle not only promotes a healthier body, but also contributes to a healthy looking one. Use the signs of pre-mature aging as a wake-up call and take heed. Get a check up and then begin making small changes. The bottom line is we should be good to ourselves; our bodies deserve it.
Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad

3 Symptoms of A Lost Soul

Lost souls are people who are spiritually adrift. For whatever reason, these individuals have blocked the intuitive guidance coming from their higher selves.  In doing this, they have also cut themselves off from feeling the infinite love of the universe, and this leads to struggle, anger and sadness.  As a result, a lost soul’s life is very challenging.
If you are currently working to raise your vibration and follow your highest path, you probably find it difficult to interact with lost souls.   These individuals can be some of the most frustrating people to deal with because they radiate lower vibrational energy, and the way that they interact with others can be quite off-putting.
However, if we want to help these people we must react with sympathy, rather than anger and hostility.  Lost souls need unconditional love more than the rest of us because they are so starved for it.  Although this may be challenging at times, love and acceptance are really the only things we can give to help others who have lost their way.
So, here are some of the frustrating symptoms of a lost soul, and how best for us to react in order to help them:
1. Defensiveness: a lost soul is someone who is operating from their ego, not from their higher self.  Because they are largely ego-driven, lost souls will often feel the need to defend their positions and assert that they are always right, and always know best.  Even friendly advice that will genuinely help a lost soul is often  immediately discarded with a “Yeah, but…” followed by a list of reasons why they believe the advice won’t work for them.
Your best reaction to this defensiveness? Accept it.  Do not engage in an argument with a lost soul, even if you feel like your advice is exactly what they need.
Remember, lost souls are blocking their inner guidance, so they will very likely block beneficial advice from wherever it is coming from.  The best you can do is lay your ideas on the table, but then back away from the discussion when they push against it.
Surprisingly, when I have done this in the past I have noticed that many such individuals will later tell me “I remember when you told me such-and-such, that was really good advice!”  The thing about lost souls is that they do not like to have their egos challenged, so if you do not debate against their rebuttals they are far more likely to listen to your well-intended advice because they didn’t feel threatened by your approach.
2. Closed-mindedness: Many times lost souls will not be interested in accepting different people and different choices.
Again, the higher self is all-loving, and all-accepting.  If someone is blocking the unconditional love from their higher self, they will be unable to radiate unconditional love to others.  As a result, their “love” will only be given out to certain people who are behaving in a way that their ego approves of.
Because of this, you will often see lost souls manifest themselves into people who are intolerant of other religions, bigoted, racist, homophobic or misogynistic.
Your best reaction?  If you feel as if something a lost soul tells you is intolerant or abusive towards others, very kindly tell them that it bothers you when they say things like that and then drop it.
Remember, arguing with a lost soul is always a waste of time.  Speak your mind and then move on.  If you do not challenge a lost soul’s ego, you will have the best shot at being heard.
3. Repeating the same mistakes, over and over again: It may take any of us a few tries to learn a lesson in life, but with a lost soul the pattern endlessly repeats itself.
You may often see a lost soul hopping from one abusive relationship to another, chronically being broke and out of work or even repeatedly being arrested and incarcerated.
To be clear, none of us is perfect, and we’re all making mistakes in some way.  However,  a lost soul’s repeated mistakes are very painful and can cause them a lifetime of personal grief.
Your reaction? Realize, yet again, that a lost soul has severed ties with the love of the universe, therefore they do not understand how to make choices based on self-love.  A lost soul has forgotten how to care for him or herself.
These individuals are not making their life decisions because they are trying to hurt themselves or anyone else, but rather because they have become blind to the guidance of the universe.  In fact, quite often they make poor choices because they are simply trying to distract themselves or numb the pain of the emptiness they feel from being spiritually disconnected.
Please do not judge them, do not chastise them, and do not belittle their struggles.  Accept them where they are, and love them anyways.
This doesn’t mean that you should allow them to pull you into their chaotic storms, but do let them know that you care about them and you want the very best for them.  Loving them from afar still counts!
It can indeed be very frustrating to deal with a lost soul.  The defensiveness, close-mindedness, and continuous self-harm can be very unpleasant to witness and interact with.
That being said, it’s good to remember that we are all on our own paths, and we each have the option of traveling through life in the way that we choose.  Although we may have found a higher calling, the lost souls are choosing to experience life in a limited way-and that’s their choice.
Not a one of us would want to be forced to think or believe something against our will, and if we want the freedom of choice for ourselves we must allow the freedom of choice in others, even when we feel their choices are damaging and hurtful.  We can speak our truths, but we shouldn’t feel the need to take on the job of changing the thoughts, beliefs and actions of others.
At the end of the day, all we can really do for the lost souls of the world is accept and love them as they are while being as happy, healthy and prosperous as we can be.  If we can shine brightly enough, we just might provide enough light to help a lost soul find its way back home.

Keep in Touch with Us:  Amad Ahmad